Hello. Stnywitness here!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Stnywitness, Apr 11, 2019.


You Know Me?

Yes! :D 4 vote(s) 66.7%
Nope. 0 vote(s) 0.0%
I've Seen Your Name Around. 2 vote(s) 33.3%
  1. I haven't actually made one of these yet. :D (I am not quitting btw)

    I'm about 4 or so years old to EMC (which makes me feel old, lemme tell ya) and haven't regretted a single moment.

    I joined EMC wayyyy back when. About two years before colored beds were released.
    I became direlect for a while, and when I came back found out everything was gone. I didn't really like EMC at that point, just cause of the whole res wipe and everything.

    I started a little shop and earned a wee bit of profit. With that, I built a bigger shop and earned some more profit. Then with that profit I built an even bigger shop and...ETC. ...

    I believe my first event was a mob arena. It was one where you lost all your gear... :(
    I didn't know that, and i had brought all my best diamond armor (highly enchanted, let me tell ya). I died, and it was all gone.
    I probably shed a few tears, maybe raged a little, but continued to play.

    I remember a fun conversation I had with Eviltoade about 2 or 3 years ago. It was the first time I had talked with a staff member, and lemme tell ya, he was the nicest. :D
    He showed me his staff head collection, and it was pretty dang impressive (you can visit yourself by going to utopia and /v Eviltoade. ...I think that's right).
    He told me a little bit about being staff, and I wanted to apply myself. I didn't though, due to the fact that I was busy enough irl.

    This is the time where I share some fun stories from all my EMC experiences.

    1: I got on utopia for one of the first times. I spawned near town, and this guy (i forget his name) threw me a cooked potato. He typed, "remember the potato" and disconnected. I laughed hysterically for about ten minutes just out of the randomness of it all.

    2: My Grand Opening of my Hardcore Parkour (biggest parkour on EMC. Visit by doing /v +hardcoreparkour on utopia) was a blast! This is definitely one of my favorite memories. About 10-15 showed up, and winners were crowned. Fun times!

    3: To be later posted.

    4: To be later posted.

    I thank you all for taking the time to read all of this. :)
    I ain't quittin' or anything btw. Just wanted to share some of my EMC story with ya'll.
    See you around!

  2. Welcome to the Empi....er.....

    Anyhow.. nice intro.. keep it comin.
  3. Thanks for the kind words and nice intro :)

    (and yes, anyone can visit the staff head display by going to my main res on utopia and pushing the button on the left)
  4. Welcome to EMC!:D
    Stnywitness likes this.
  5. Hey Stnywitness! I'm glad you're sharing your EMC story, because I joined in 2015 as well! :D

    It has been quite a long ride from what the server used to be to what it is now yeah? Things were a lot smaller and simpler then. I really appreciate you bringing your story about how simpler things were then. Nice memories yeah? :)
    Stnywitness likes this.
  6. Totally! Much different. Thats cool you joined in 2015 too! :D #15buddies
    Yep, lots of great memories :)
    Joy_the_Miner likes this.