Laptop or PC?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ShelLuser, Mar 22, 2019.


What do you use to play Minecraft?

Poll closed Apr 12, 2019.
PC 25 vote(s) 67.6%
Laptop 12 vote(s) 32.4%
  1. Due to me needing to deal with this too in 6 months, what program do you use for this? :D

    That is definitely true... unfortunately. :p
    Lukas3226 and jacob5089 like this.
  2. Get yourself a light performance laptop with a dedicated GPU inside! I have a big Wintel (desktop) machine paired with a 27" monitor. Game, game, game! is what I thought when I built it three years ago, but I never left Minecraft. The setup is cool, but I secretly miss the mobility and high pixel density of a laptop/tablet!

    Now that many laptops come with powerful dedicated GPUs that are sometimes the performance of a desktop's, they are in my opinion a more compelling option than three years ago. Checkout the Surface Book, Dell XPS, and Razer Blade 15. These are expensive devices, but I believe their updated performance exceeds my Wintel machine.
    By the way, check out my RAM.:p
  3. NZXT S340! :D I also built a system for a good friend of mine in one of those. That was the black and red variant, though. :) I still instantly recognise them. :p

    That RAM is cool. :D Curious how you ended up with having... 3 laptop memory sticks available... :p

    Also, I wonder what that massive slab at the location of your keyboard is... is it a drawing tablet?
  4. You could just use any cloud program. OneDrive, Dropbox, etc. the problem is that if you need to upload any big files it's going to take a while, especially if your upload speed is garbage. Most of them offer active directories you can browse like a normal folder.
  5. But why? Who has more laptop ram sitting around than desktop ram...
    Nice lighting in that picture btw
  6. I'm afraid my answer won't help you much.

    I'm using sciebo. This is a free program provided by my university and as far as I know it is only available to German students at participating unis. 30GB (or 500GB for employees), servers in Germany according to the German Data Protection Act, and it runs in the background. I use the folders and documents as usual and if something changes everything is uploaded in the background.

    My sister uses OneDrive though, it's also okay I guess :p
    TomvanWijnen likes this.