Undelete res?

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by JiggerBit, Mar 18, 2019.

  1. Tried to keep my residence by logging in every 30 days or less, but it looks like I missed one and it's been reset. Any way to get it back, or is it gone?
  2. Far as I know it’s gone, sorry.
  3. Ya unfortunately once it's claimed by another person, it's gone. If you need a few things to get started again, let me know :)
    ShelLuser and Eviltoade like this.
  4. Thanks for the info. That was a lot of work for me to build, unfortunately. I'd need more than few things, and more than a few months, to rebuild it. Which is why I was trying to keep it from being deleted if I wanted to start playing again more regularly. Very kind of you to offer, but I think I'll just move on to other things.

    I get why EMC would take down abandoned plots, but by not having any "restore" option available it pretty much guarantees no one is ever coming back. I can log back into MMOs I haven't touched in 10 years and still have all my stuff, and I get "please come back" emails fairly regularly as a result. Something I've done on a few occasions now. Something for admins to consider maybe.
    Pab10S likes this.
  5. They don't take down abandoned plots unless someone else specifically claims it. New players are directed to empty, unclaimed plots first before they start clearing plots for them.
  6. Do you know who took your res?
  7. And what smp it was on?
  8. The above comment is not true. Most residences are not claimed by other players. The system will reclaim it when the server is low on residences, which happens multiple times throughout the day.

    Once someone claims a single residence to put it under the threshold, the system unclaims around 10.
    There is a priority algorithm on picking those residences based on seniority, to favor unclaiming those that connect, claim, disconnect.

    Only rarely does another player 'force claim' a residence. It's a common myth that I don't understand how it got started that losing a residence was due to another player claiming it. 99% of claims is empty plots.

    Now, it doesn't help for this case, but MrSocks will be working on a system to let us back up derelict plots to be able to provide the concept of a restore in the future.
  9. Well whadya know. I've heard that they are only deleted by force claims for about as long as I can remember. Well you heard it from the man himself, it was just an automated thing to keep free plots available for new users. Still feels pretty bad.
    If you need some resources to get started on a new res, I've got double chests on double chests of cobble and smooth stone sitting right next to spawn if you go to /smp2 "/frontier center" and then head straight west. Youll see the chests in a pile out in the open sort of to your left if you go out into the big flat plain. You're free to take what you want, I doubt you'll even come close to emptying them out, lol.