Stuff Gaming_Comander and THE OP VILLAGER tell each other

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Gaming_Comander, Mar 15, 2019.

  1. I just saw Burger Knights thread and it reminded me of all that OP and I have told each other. So here we go.


    While getting pizza:
    OP: Aww man my sausage fell

    While watching Infinity War watching Thanos beat up Hulk:
    OP: Basically me fighting a hacker
  2. Oh this happened right now

    OP: I wonder if there is anything stronger than vibranium
    Jaqque_r0x likes this.
  3. Watching Tony Stark with glasses:

    OP: those spectacles

    When looking at the teleportation device:

    OP: Thanos likes his donuts
  4. I hope yall know this is so out of context

    GC: yea I’d smash that
  5. By that me means Smash Bros

    OP: You silly sausage
    Jaqque_r0x likes this.
  6. *while playing Overwatch*

    OP: Oof the baby just sneezed on me and took me out
    Me: So, your Bastion just sneeze a couple of bullets
  7. Bump! I wanna see OP say some stuff about me
  8. “I’m the best at McMeme” - Gaming_Comander
    Gaming_Comander likes this.
  9. "let's go hang out at the McDonald's play place" -OP
    Jaqque_r0x likes this.
  10. “You wanna heat a joke about krysyy?” - GC I’ll leave it there :p
  11. You can't just leave us hanging =P
  12. It's not good but it's the only one I got...
    When you are on the run for staff in the outback and spot Krysyy
    "Crikey it's Krysyy"
    Krysyy likes this.
  13. THE OP VILLAGER: *licks Joy the Miner*
    Joy the Miner: *TRIGGERED*
    Jaqque_r0x likes this.
  14. Are you together IRL?
  15. We are best friends since like, daycare, since then we have remained best friends. Sure there was the occasional arguments, particularly whenever I had a crush on a girl. But still we have remained friends, 😀
    luckycordel and 607 like this.
  16. Oh, right, I forgot! I'm sorry! We might see some interesting things here, then. ;)
    Jaqque_r0x and Gaming_Comander like this.
  17. Oooh yeah, lots of weird interactions between us XD
    607 likes this.
  18. Oooh ima give roadie the infinity slap - GC
    Gaming_Comander likes this.
  19. Jaqque_r0x likes this.
  20. Rest assured I can write a book, about stuff OP has told me, and he can do the same