[Closed] The Killer Bunny

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by THE_OP_VILLAGER, Nov 19, 2018.

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  1. I figured out how to get them
  2. 2k, I know Villager could use the money
    Starsphere likes this.
  3. 3k that actually looks pretty cool
  4. Note they spawn in different colors might take awhile to get a white one to spawn You’ll just need to egg and re egg it until u get one
  5. shouldn't peeps wait for some more information
    as far as i can see not one staff member has reacted on this and the other thread
    so this can still be a bug, an item that will be removed or even something so easy to get that its not worth auctioning
    to me this still looks like a renamed egg
    and nothing has been proven otherwise as far as i know
  6. Just talked with ancient tower and he has some also they didn’t remove netherhound eggs
  7. I can guarantee that this is nothing more than a renamed rabbit egg.
  8. Ugh everyone keeps saying that xD but I swear they are from the rabbit
    ConqueringRuler likes this.
  9. The OP villager check if a renamed Rabbit spawn egg eould have the "Spawn Egg:Rabbit" lore. If it doesn't then you can post a picture of it as proof that it's genuine.
  10. The name comes from being renamed, and the lore comes from spawning and re-egging the rabbit. Even if this egg does come from an enraged rabbit (which I highly doubt), it can be recreated with a regular rabbit egg, a level, and a stick, making it close to worthless.
  11. OK!!!! Are we here to AUCTION or argue?????!!!!???
  12. I just did this, and I have an exact duplicate of what is being auctioned. :eek:
    Kabloofne likes this.
  13. This is starting to make me mad, so im bumbping it to 4k
  14. For Clarification:

    1. If you breed 1 enraged rabbit with 1 enraged rabbit, you get an egg exactly like what is being auctioned here.
    2. If you rename a rabbit "The Killer Bunny" and then spawn the bunny, then re-egg it, you get an egg exactly like what is being auctioned here.
    *removed vid*

    Therefore, this auction has been deemed invalid given the fact that renamed items need to be auctioned in stacks of 9. Sorry for any confusion everyone!
  15. Hello all!

    I have looked into this auction and have come to the conclusion (along with Krysyy and other Staff/Sr Staff) that this auction is invalid.

    No matter how you get this spawn egg-either through breeding or renaming in an anvil-the result is the same. That makes this a non-unique, standard, run of the mill spawn egg with a name (again, doesn't matter how that name got there.) As such the current auction rules require this type of item to be auctioned in 9 stack quantities.

    That is all, thank you. :)
  16. Ninja'd by the Evil Toade
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