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May 29, 2022
Nov 18, 2018
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Prominent Member, Male

Had a great time at PPP, currently spending my days farming, stealing my villager's food and selling it back to them, and keeping an eye out for the next mob arena. Aug 2, 2019

Conq_ was last seen:
May 29, 2022
    1. Conq_
      Had a great time at PPP, currently spending my days farming, stealing my villager's food and selling it back to them, and keeping an eye out for the next mob arena.
      1. ThaKloned likes this.
    2. Conq_
      Woo got a new mouse, time to get a Marlix to spawn, get a bunch of glass, and mine out the tunnel
    3. Conq_
      My plan for the Marlix Farm was: 1, make a tunnel in a mountain 2, trick it into flying in 3, quickly trap it in with a 3 wide glass wall 4, place some water buckets in certain places so the guardians fall into a hole 5, kill those guardians. That was the main parts of the plan.
      1. Rhyblet
        Make sure to line the roof of the tunnel with glass or leaves so that it doesn't suffocate
        Feb 22, 2019
    4. Conq_
      Aaand my mouse broke so there goes EMC for a while. (BTW this was written on my phone if you are wondering how I wrote this)
    5. Conq_
      Haven't done anything worth making a post about lately, might try trapping a Marlix and attempting to make a Wither Skeleton Guardian farm with it or something, if one spawns and after I leave Cow Island for supplies.
      1. Top_Benny likes this.
      2. Be6Ja1min
        !!! Cowland! Sounds like ya have been busy
        Feb 18, 2019
    6. Be6Ja1min
      1. Conq_ likes this.
      2. Conq_
        Hi Top_Benny! Sorry for taking so long to reply, I've been mostly skipping logging in when checking the EMC news lately, so I haven't been seeing my alerts.
        Feb 18, 2019
      3. Be6Ja1min
        Ya that’s fine, cya around :D
        Feb 18, 2019
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