How useful is supporter armour?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Otus_NigRum, Oct 27, 2018.

  1. I just got my full set, and it seems pretty underpowered. Even with it all on, I still find myself losing dmg quickly, especially with a ton of mobs.

    I know it's good because it's soulbound, but with a full set of OP diamond armour you are basically a tank, and it'll be difficult to lose your items that way.

    Should I wear the supporter armour, or skip it?
  2. You lose a lot of damage because ur a nub rawr xD *nuzzles*

    I'd use it for general purposes but if mommy's going out to kill tonight then you may need God armor instead of the voter armor.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  3. I assume you mean the voter's armour?
    It is useful for when you are doing things with little risk of dying. If you're just going out into the Frontier to have some fun, or mining, or building, it would seem wasteful to wear OP diamond armour. But if you're not wearing any armour at all, you might die easily, when playing on higher difficulties. That's why the voter's armour is so useful. You can use it without using it up, and while it obviously isn't the best, as it shouldn't be, it's certainly useful.
  4. I never use it, god armour isn't expensive anymore, there's no point to the voters armour other than the feather falling on the boots.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  5. voters armour*
  6. Pretty much what 607 said is what I use voter's armour for. :) I also like to wear it in town on my main server. Furthermore, the few times I've found a Momentus, I killed it with voter's armour and sword + bow, so that I keep the items when I die and can quickly get back to killing it. :)

    Also convenient when working in the nether, so when you fall in lava you won't lose all armour and tools again. :)
    607 likes this.
  7. With one peice of armor with feather falling 4 and one piece of protection 4 feather falling is maxed
  8. I used the helmet for like 3 or 4 months after I got it. That was like 2+ years ago... I use my diamond armor with all my preferred enchants. I rarely ever die. When I do its usually pretty unfortunate because I am not accustomed to dying so I don't take many precautions with my items. I died a few times in lava a couple months ago and started storing everything in shulker boxes in my echest... which I should have been doing but like I said, complacency.
  9. but yeah, it being not that useful is another reason why it seems silly that staff get their panties in a wad over people selling them. "But y0U EarNed tHEm" yeah but they suck so... rupeess?
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  10. I have been wearing the same OP set of diamond gear with Mending on it for months now. It repairs itself as I go no matter what I am doing, and I'm borderline invincible unless I decide to go poke an Eyender (which if I ever consciously do, please report me, for my account would have to be stolen - I loathe Eyender). Before 1.9, voters armor was the best! But now, with Mending, diamond armor + Mending really just makes more sense for all intents and purposes.