[ Auction ] Lot of Random Promos (Revised to Fit Rules)

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by mf1r, Jul 21, 2018.

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  1. Items:

    2: Vixens
    1: Independence Day Firework (2017)
    1: -Empire Firework- (2016 New Years)
    1: Holiday Candle
    1: Candy Cane Sword
    1: 500k Mile Boots
    1: Blizz Ard's Nose
    1: Feast for a King paper
    67: Cooked Turkey
    1: Declaration of Independence (2017)
    1: Emergency Snow Clearing Device
    1: Stuffing Scooper
    1: Prancer
    1: Blizz Ard's Eye
    1: Pizza Hut 500K Special Pick
    1: *Empire Firework* (2017 New Years)

    Starting bid: 150,000r

    Minimum bid increment: 1,000r

    Auction ends: 12 hours after time of posting

    Pickup will be at my residence on /smp5
    TomvanWijnen likes this.

  2. I just realized that I've uploaded the wrong image, here is the correct one for the given items.
  3. Okay, so I'm hoping this is possible- I am going to actually change the end of the auction from 10:43 A.M. EST (12 hours after time of posting) to 1:00 P.M. EST (14 hours and 17 minutes from time of original posting) due to IRL scheduling concerns
    To clarify, the auction will now end: 14 Hours and 17 Minutes from time of original posting, or 1:00 P.M. EST

    I sincerely apologize for all this confusion- I'm just getting used to EMC servers, let alone auctioning on forums.
  4. Sold! Your items will be available on my res upon time of payment. Enjoy!
  5. It didn't quote properly, my bad. It will be ready on my res upon payment.
    Enjoy, Smooshed_Potato
    Smooshed_Potato likes this.
  6. Getting on to pay :D
    ParadoxialRays likes this.
  7. Just to clarify.. Yes, Smooshed_Potatoe did win the auction not because you, ParadoxiaRays, said the time had changed but because they were the last to post for the items before the ending of the original time listed. Please be sure to read the post at the top of the Auction forurms before beginning a new auction so you are clear on what is and is not exceptable. Changing auction ending times are not allowed once bidding has begun. If you wish to have your thread edited in any way or closed , please use the REport at the bottom of the original post. Thanks! I've added the threads you should have a look at for your convenience below.
    https://empireminecraft.com/threads/empire-auction-rules-read-before-posting.42009/ and

    Glad it worked out this time. :)
  8. Thanks for the payment. The chest with everything in it is on my base (/smp5 /v ParadoxialRays)

    And yeah, thanks for clearing that up crystaldragon13, I'll take another look at them. :p
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
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