smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. O ok good I did not what it to..
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  2. Can I go back into the active members please? :p

    I'm usually around the outpost for an hour or so a day, I just don't comment on here much.
  3. Sorry I thought I had you there. xD Seems I go through and weed out people and then they come on right after xD

    Edit: Oh snap I totally deleted you by accident ._. I had someone annoying the fudge out of me and messed up.
  4. Perhaps that's why you've gone blue in the face :)
  5. Wow lol time to take a time out
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  6. You're forgetting the first rule of the Rail Line Crew.

    Actually there are no rules because there is no crew (despite what some people are saying).

    As rail decisions affect everyone the discussions don't take place in private messages. Anyone can get involved on the pirate pad It's a bit messy at the moment (lots of what you would call junk). I'll tidy it up soon. But the main conclusions were:
    - build a rail hub at the town hall (since changed to the FAQ centre or thereabouts). possibly called Grand Central. vote pending
    - build a number of direct lines to important destinations with no stops along the way. zulu will set up a vote for the community to decide on the important destinations. Some of these destinations can be mini hubs for more rail connections. k123nino created the district map so we can see what areas we need to reach
    - build direct rail lines underground/underwater where possible, though the stations should always be above ground for easy access
    - all lines should have two tracks, one in each direction, to prevent collisions. There should be a one or two block gap between tracks for walking. Unfortunately for our commonwealth friends who drive on the left I think the consensus was the right hand track wiil be the departure track.
    - each line should be colour coded. A possible variation is that the track that returns to the central rail hub is always the same colour so people know how to get back, eg red. So the "green line" would have a green track from central hub to destination, but a red line back to the central hub. More confusing to describe in words than when you see it I think. We'd need to decide on colours for each line but some obvious ones seem to be green for jungle and blue for beachhouse.
    - we need to simplify station designs. I think two tracks for each line and direct lines will go a long way to solving the problems that redstone and minecraft rail dynamics cause. I might put some ideas on the website
    - get rid of minecraft dispensers and have locked chests for members with minecarts instead. Too much taking at the moment
    - better signage at each station. Explaining how to use the system, what station this is, and any other further stations that can be reached from here. Also Runewulf to write how to guide for website
    - map of rail system. To come once we have built it

    A few of us are working on a line from the white harbour but that has been delayed after the problems with finalising the central hub. I think a few others have been working on the rail to the southern mountains (District 6). Our work tends to be ad hoc at the moment when people are on at the same time. However hopefully we can get going again soon.

    For anyone interested I added a couple of demo stations, one next to FAQ building, one of white harbour.
  7. My mistake Rune, I need to clarify. For the majority of the rail renovations I have a observed the same folks consistently working on it. That is where the idea of a "rail crew" came from. It is not meant to be a selective, Department of Transportation, I think just a few of us who enjoy working on rail/redstone. They also for the most part have the technical expertise to create junction/rail hubs etc. I think many have worked on the rail lines locally around their perspective residences. So in essence everyone is a member of the "rail crew".
    Let me know if you don't agree with this and I'll remove the list from the site. :)
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  8. oh no you didnt!
  9. That is your opinion, and not everyone(quite few actualy) share it. Like me.. my time on this server is over if they do not add the new stuff :/
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  10. in case you guys are concerned for me, i have a utopia double spawner trap i use, and 3 singles (skeles, zombies..) on smp6. i am not here for xp farming :) my intentions are pure :)
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  11. I think the crew lists are great. Not as authorities but people to contact if you want to know something about the rail system. Or people you can report griefing of tracks to etc. Anyone can join any crew without asking for permissions to join. You like working on the tracks? Consider yourself part of the rail crew? You like taking care of the food stations? Welcome to the Mushroom society. :)
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  12. I do not mind if people like to see the spawners too. I don't know where most of them are because I am not that into XP farming atm. What I do not like are people just coming for the spawners, causing lags and then leaving a mess behind.
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  13. So, I'm noticing an alarming trend of griefing. Especially in the jungle area. Not only was Bob's house basically destroyed, now I've been hit too. Someone decided to go into my basement farm... EVEN THOUGH I PROVIDE FREE BREAD AND MELON BY THE FRONT DOOR!!! and proceed to activate the machines, take all the crops, not replant, steal my sticky pistons, and the redstone circuits, then for some reason put random holes in all the walls as if they were searching for some kinda secret safe or just felt like wearing down their pick-axes for nothing.

    Now just as with Bob's house, it's ultimately fixable, but I'm loathe to even bother if it's just going to keep happening. We need to start a "neighborhood watch" program. Keep tabs of all the people in and around the neighborhood and be brave enough to ask people what they are doing in other peoples houses if they are in there without the owner. I know it's been sort of "free reign" as far as people just wondering around, but I'm going to post a sign on my door stating that while I'll give a guided tour to whomever wants one, no one is allowed in my house without me.

    So all my friends and neighbors if you see somebody in my house without me there as well, PLEASE challenge them to say what they're doing. I'll do the same for you and hopefully, while obviously not a cure-all, this will help curb the rash of griefing affecting our little area of the community.

    Thank you,
  14. I have officially opened the doors to my dual blaze grinder :)
    As with our other grinders, this is open to all LLO.
    DO NOT post coordinates in the forums
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  15. Nice I check it out sometime this week sorry couldn't help been busy in RL, something big happened but anyways i checked out the world you sent me, your device is awesome lol
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  16. Ill help watch the jungle when im there so any jungle homes can be safe
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  17. Bahahaha >:3
    Nonono I didn't mean you xD Let me explain: Yesterday I spent some time chasing some new members around the outpost, can't remember names, Secret was telling me where they were and I'd get there just for him to tell me they were elsewhere. I greeted them and the first thing they asked "Can you show me to the grinder?" Secret gave me the ok, I sent him on his merry way. I go back to the Outpost, talk to Zulu and I'm whispered by another who just showed up. Can't remember what he asked but he finds us, I greet him as usual. He basically says "Yeah yeah, you guys have anything special like grinders?" so I just said I didn't know then was editing the active members board and list. The entire time he's jumping around me like a kid on a sugar rush asking me 20 questions. Zulu even shows him around and at one point they were in ear shot and he says "Yeah ok but duh is there anything special? Any grinders?"

    That sucks. People are douchebags. People grief Runewulf's and the farms as well. We also seem to have people who randomly show up and wander around for days. I try to watch them :/ Sadly if they're a supporter I can't if they /maphide
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  18. Yo panda can check my place up north i been busy in RL so yea and thanks if youdo
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  19. Everything is good :) I've been wandering around making sure stuff is ok. So far so good.
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.
  20. I've done that :)
    You were in both the active and inactives list. :confused:
    ZeWildGuy, Jakres and Equinox_Boss like this.