[Strangest Thing that's Happened to YOU on EMC]

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Stnywitness, Jun 4, 2018.

  1. They're so surprised to see him talking, it's like they think Aikar is mentally and/or socially disabled. :p
    PhoenixAffinity likes this.
  2. I used to love finding AFK players and getting in their face for pictures like this:

    Apart from that, weirdest thing I've seen in a while was SS Bird Muffin Butt before he was slain @ smp8:

    Then there was a Chin PvP event where I cleaned house and won all 4 rounds and got mail relating to my early days of Overwatch:

    For those who don't play OW, Torb is a hero that can deply turrets and is generally hated if you're good with him because you steal insane amounts of kills.
  3. Lol. I still want to hear your weird experiences! Bump!
  4. So this one time i was just doin' my stuff then someone joined gave me 10'000 r then left. thats it really.
    khixan and Stnywitness like this.
  5. So... strange things that happened? I feel out of uniqueness, I’m not gonna include anything from smp8, or anything that wasn’t directed towards me(like the time when runder got kicked by chickeneer during the Christmas events).

    So, this was surprisingly tricky because most of my memories on EMC were of the laugh till you cough your lungs out variety, but here it is...

    So my friend Pup connected to Utopia one day, not seeing me in quite some time. In her hello speech, she used that... Good job Pup.
    FadedMartian, khixan and Stnywitness like this.
  6. While this particular instance didn't happen to me, it was a very real thing back then.

    Also Mayan Forcefields.
    Also dying due to my keyboard's battery dying after travelling for like 30k blocks. By boat. Still a major pain.
    Also getting 3 wither skulls in about 40 minutes, while iSmooch spent all night and getting only one.
  7. I do that allot makes note it's not just me 😂
    Stnywitness and Otus_NigRum like this.
  8. I remember once krysyy was claiming people on utopia and also I trapped gamjng_comander in my guardian do farm and also let it fill and let them all out which resulted in gaming_comander dying
    Stnywitness likes this.
  9. Lol nice. I know someone who got 75,000r just like how you explained it XD
  10. That....is completely crazyyy!!!
  11. Really wow. XD
    Stnywitness likes this.
  12. I made it out of the tutorial. After like 30 minutes of travelling, I found a few old tutorials, some weird testing things, and Aikar's skeleton horse.

    So weird...
  13. It was the Valentine's event 2017. I get my little box of Valentine's gifts and all then I see a fish. This isn't no normal fish, no, this fish has 5 words replacing its name: You are my wife now. Shocked, I check who renamed it and it was none other than Rhythmically, quite an oddball from time to time. I then learned the tradition of marriage fish on EMC and keep the thing hanged above the entrance to my farm for good luck.
    PhoenixAffinity and khixan like this.
  14. what
  15. You see my good fellow, those brave few who reside on SMP8 have this tradition of throwing fish at people and forcing whoever picks it up to "marry" them.
    khixan likes this.
  16. I somehow have a fish on smp2 which says "You are my owner now"
    PhoenixAffinity, khixan and Ritunn like this.
  17. I don't know why, but one day a few years ago I suddenly couldn't log in. I talked to Krysyy about my connection problems but they said they wouldn't fix them. So I stopped playing for a while. But then I decided I wanted to solve my internet problems and play EMC again. So I got a new router, and I just had to send a short essay to EMC telling them about my new router and then I could play again. So odd!
    Keliris likes this.
  18. legendary
  19. Bump!

    All weird things...all weird things... -Olaf (Modified slightly)