[Event] Empire Space Program: Voyage to Mars!

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by JDHallows, Feb 16, 2018.

  1. I made it on my own!

  2. This will be open until tomorrow night at Midnight! Get your submissions in now to qualify for the prize drawings and to earn your Fish Bowl helmet!
  3. Thanks for doing this JD and Toade and big thanks to Krysyy for also adding in the new participation prize as well :)
  4. Totally understandable, and probably not a lie. Have a great night.

    Lucky for at least one of you, I've just received a surprise workload, so I won't be online for a while ... or able to hunt you down. ;)

  5. Woot! =D
    That was fun! I almost feel like going back through just to push every single button that I see...
  6. Postin' for a friend. =D Yep, that would be xxfailmuchxx! =D

  7. Huge thank you to SageCREEPER to helping me out! <3 <3 Tons of fun on this map too thank you to everyone who built and and completed/tried to complete it! =D
  8. Just over 6 hours left for this event! Get in there and save the ESS Sazuke for your chance at multiple prizes and for your Fish Bowl helmet!
  9. Uploaded this image for cam7051, since he wasn't able to do it himself :D Edit: Wow that's a long pic! :eek:
  10. Since a certain someone (-glares at jd-) neglected to tell me to take a screenshot with the captain I had to rerun the entire thing just to get this -.-
  11. I was not able to figure out the final phrase, but I did get to the helm. :p

    EDIT: I'm a doofus and shifted but it's def me. :p
  12. *Deploys Scout Probes to Mars*
  13. Time is up! Thank you all for participating in this event, it was a ton of fun! We had a total of 78 participants in the screenshot contest and 42 submissions for the form :D We will do the random drawings and hand out prizes soon ;)
    ArkonXT, PikminNate, weeh and 12 others like this.
  14. Good luck everyone (including me ;)) who made it into the prize drawings! looks like 1.13 is gonna need to give us a lot of fish for those fish bowls!

    also thanks staff for doing this, but i'll admit i'm worried for the mars trip, after finding so many broken parts on the ship ;-; *nudges toade*
    MoreMoople, SkeleTin007 and Eviltoade like this.