6 months! Ask me anything!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by derp_duckie, Feb 4, 2018.

  1. I just realized that I turned 6 months old on EMC 2 days ago. It's been 187 days since I first stepped into EMC and made one of the best life decisions ever, to stay :D

    Thank you for making me feel loved here, this truly is a wonderful and beautiful server. I've made probably some of the greatest friends ever and learned some good life lessons. I hope I have impacted someone in some small way in these six months and hope to have inspired someone to be kind :)

    Walk away today with a smile on your face, you are worth it and you matter just like everyone.

    Feel free to ask me ANY questions down below =)

    Hope to see many more "6 months" in the future.

    -Derp <3 <3
  2. Wow! That is an achievement! Nice work! What is the meaning of life? (i ask that always)
    luckycordel, We3_MPO and derp_duckie like this.
  3. Hehe, that's a tough question! :D

    Without a religious standpoint, I'd say the meaning of life is to try and inspire others or impact others in a good way. I'd want to leave the world with a feeling that I accomplished a good thing. :)
  4. How did you think of your username?
    luckycordel, We3_MPO and derp_duckie like this.
  5. Can I have free money?
    luckycordel and derp_duckie like this.
  6. I usually tell people that it's a sandwich name, but look closely:

    derp_duckie. the p_d is basically my mood at the time I was creating my username. Go figure
    607, luckycordel and We3_MPO like this.
  7. sure just sent you some... xD
  8. Congratz duckie! You have had a positive impact to me. Hopefully you stay for far longer. :D
    607, luckycordel and derp_duckie like this.
  9. Oooo... excellent...

    Ask you anything!

    Like anything?

    Anything at all....



    How are you?
    607 and luckycordel like this.
  10. At the moment? Not ok
    In life? I'm... doing..okay.

    Thank you for asking! :D
    607 and luckycordel like this.
  11. Hello hello duckie, congrats on your first 6 months! =D
    So tell me... What's it like to be a duckie?
    luckycordel, derp_duckie and We3_MPO like this.
  12. Hehe, you can scream QUACK and no one cares ^_^
  13. Hey there, derp_duckie! Congrats on 6 months, glad ya stuck around.:D
    What's your plans for the next 6 months?
  14. I wanna help out with anything as much as I can, probably start a couple businesses and stuff, overall being a good duckie hehe. Thank you! :D
  15. Aw, that's so considerate. <3

    A question to derp_duckie: have you got acquainted with Piwi yet? I wouldn't think so, right? I mean, he's in my profile picture, but last Piwi Day, you weren't yet with us!
    luckycordel and MerRhyAndBright like this.
  16. Conga Rats on the 6 months o/

    My question is, how are you always such a good person? *-*
    luckycordel likes this.
  17. Congrats on 6 months!
    Do you like eggs?
    luckycordel likes this.
  18. Can I have free money? Grats on 6 months btw.
  19. I feel like you're trying to take advantage of her. :p
    luckycordel and We3_MPO like this.
  20. Yeah! Good work on 6 months.

    What is your fav building block? And why?
    luckycordel and We3_MPO like this.