[Auction] 4 DC's of Emeralds!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by padde73, Dec 17, 2017.

  1. Bump! Still super cheap for this bling bling!
  2. 100k
    padde73 likes this.
  3. Bump! This is still super cheap!
  4. Bump! I'm confused no one has the balls to challenge Sefl? Well welll...
  5. This is amazingly cheap! Come on guys, here's your chance!
  6. Bump! Don't let Sefl get away with this!
  7. One to the hundred, 1 to the thousand, one to the 1
  8. just wondering if this is 101k cause i have no idea what you just said... if its 101k then

    I bid 105k
  9. Bump! This is worth a LOT more!
  10. 125k even... actually that is odd. :p