aShcokingFox ( i know you said you didnt want to be foxy but this is the first ok name i thought of xD) ShockingFox is also Avalable xD LionBolt? PowerHampster? (i think im running out f idea's) HampsterOfPower RampagingChicken PancakeOfDoom CarrotPiano TelephoneBolt? Erm Was there a limit to how many? if there was i didnt see sorry xD
I am not going to be a Hampster period. There is already one and I don't want to copy Jack lol There is no limit, I am just trying to get ideas. So more "power" to you if you can get more creative names out there
SoapBoxCar SodaWithLime FoxNoSocks GarthSaysFoxy WaterFocks (Cause WaterFox was taken) SoapNoRope SudsInTheFur xx_F_O_X_Y_xx
Not how I had it spelled I saw that one. I had each letter capitolized ILikeTrains but I think it is taken as well.
Here are some suggestions: FulsomFox (think Cash...) RailRanger (80s were a bit poppy tho...) joWalsh (life is good!)