heyo! it's been while!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by grimbarx, Nov 22, 2017.

  1. hey guys! it has, indeed, been awhile since i've been on EMC! i'm not known under this name, but i lost my old MC account awhile ago; i used to be known as Zoebearfun105, if any of you actually remember me (i was pretty annoying back then, but hey, i was also a young teenager) but i'm glad to be back on EMC, some of it's familiar, but also a lot's changed in terms of the server and minecraft itself (i haven't played minecraft in at least a year and a half), but i've made myself at home on smp1, and I can't wait to see what's been up with the community!
  2. Welcome back :)
    grimbarx likes this.
  3. Whello there, and, welcome back. If you have any questions (wbout how emc works now) feel free to ask :)
    grimbarx likes this.
  4. Oohhh, I remember you! :D Welcome back! I'll probably see you on smp1 sometime, as it's also my home server. :)
    grimbarx likes this.
  5. oh wow hey zoe, welcome back
    grimbarx likes this.
  6. Welcome back to the Empire!!
    grimbarx likes this.
  7. For the life of me I have no idea who you are whatsoever... but truly, Welcome back to the Empire.
    May you have a great time!
    grimbarx likes this.
  8. I'm a little bit late here.... But welcome back!! I hope you have an excellent 2nd EMC experience! =)