Blew up my Dragon egg...

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Leowaste, Jun 2, 2012.

  1. I like that Leo did this. I think if you don't capture the egg legit, as Vanilla is setup for, by killing the dragon then you don't need an egg. And as Justin and ICC have concluded there is no need for having the ender dragon in the ender world on EMC when they made the new servers. :)

  2. Pic related.
  3. Go leo!!:) destroy that evil!!:)
  4. Rather adorable.
  5. gg.
    SillyWhiteMage likes this.
  6. i hope u know ur giving me heart problems
  7. just an egg
  8. which was worth at least 300k
  9. just a game
    PandasEatRamen likes this.
  10. (Fast backwards back in time)
    2: /v 3456
    3: Watch Leo blow the egg up
    4: When he blows it up, I go to the bottom to pick up the egg
    5: Auction it off
    6: Live a happy emc life
  11. If only it was that easy.
  12. nah, locked it down
  13. (In the style of SecretAznEks...)

    Title: Blew up my Dragon Egg:

  14. Wow.......... Why?!!! I used to come to your res to see the egg!! -sighs-
  15. I think this is all a hoax, leo still has the egg, hes just done this as a way for people to stop beggin him for it. hahah, clever leo, but it didn't fool me :)

  16. Troll thread has concluded. I apologize to everyone for my momentary lapse in maturity. The Egg is safe and sound.

    Have a good evening.
  17. What did I say? hmm, told ya
    TrueJob likes this.
  18. are you sure? (grabs leos dragon egg which was hidden behind leo's back) *brakes egg with sledgehammer then throws all the shards into lava* I dont think so.... XD
  19. But seriously leo, you should have left it as it was, now you are gonna get even more of a demand for it XD
  20. This is actually epic