[ench elytra] mending/unbrk 3

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by RickyAndrea9, Jun 19, 2017.

  1. item: elytra mending and unbrk 3
    start bid: 10k
    minimun bid increase: 500
    end: june 22nd 12:00 AM pacific daylight time (3:00 AM EMC time)
  2. Can you please provide a specific time on June 22nd? I.e., 12:00 AM EMC Time June 22nd. I can edit it into the OP once you let me know.
  3. ok time 12:00 am pmc time
  4. BUMP end in 2 days please bid :)
  5. Just to clarify - did you want this on pacific time or EMC time? Note that EMC time is 3 hours ahead of pacific time.

    EDIT: Resolved with auction host in game and updated initial post with relevant info.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  6. It ended at 3am Emc Time this morning, if I'm not mistaken
  7. All Right, they're all yours.
  8. yes, the auction is closed! crowson wins :) access will be set up when i am paid :)
  9. wait, kendalf did u reply crowsongs bid to say that you bid 15k?

    i am confused! pls help me sort this!
  10. OH! i see crowsong bid at 9:34 AM! so kendalf wins ok now i get it! access will be set up for kendalf!

    kendalf pickup on utopia at /v ricky14