[Suggestion] Allow Player Shops in the Frontier

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by Mastism, May 31, 2017.

  1. As far as I know, this hasn't been discussed in the suggestion box (unless I didn't look hard enough :rolleyes:).

    This is something I've been wanting ever since I started devoting majority of my time in the frontier. I spend most of my time out in the frontier in a small, player ran town. However, in order to get stuff from one another, we trade items or give rupees through /pay. But what if shop signs were permitted? This would allow trading with players offline for people who live out of town, just in the same was as it does in town, with minor differences. Let me address those proposed differences:

    • Containers with shop signs associated with them are automatically locked from anyone except the owner of the shop and players on the owner's friend list (this can be configured in /ps under the Friends tab). This is to prevent theft of merchandise indefinitely (unless you have thieves in your friends).
    • In the Friends tab of /ps , there is not only a setting that allows/bans friends to access shop chests, but you can configure which specific friends can do it, if you want to narrow your chances of theft. This would allow only the players you trust the most to access your merchandise.
    • This one's a given, but I figured I'd clear it for players who may be wondering. All administrators and senior staff would have direct access to these shops, no matter what. The part that isn't given, is that perhaps normal staff would have to have personal and documented permission from administrators or the owner to have around-the-clock access. This isn't a feature that I'd expect to be implemented if shops were to be aloud in the wild, but a mere suggestion to this larger suggestion. Please don't allow this one feature cause you to disagree with this idea by itself.
    I feel that having official shops in the wild ran by players just as they are in town would allow for grander shops, and numerous opportunities for players. It would save the travel to and from town for shopping while out there, and let's face it; for people like me who live in towns out there, it'd feel more like a real town with actual shops instead of work-arounds because our current system doesn't allow shops outside of Town.
    Feel free to leave additional features in the comments, or criticism and other opinions regarding my ideas. I'd love to hear from the community, as it would be effecting a large portion of us.
    Thanks for letting me share!
  2. +10000000 would be so helpful for outposts !
  3. I feel like this difference must remain between /town and /wild. In the future, youll be able to tp easily in an out of the outpost, so you will be able to access everyone's shop with ease.
    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  4. True, but in that sense, what difference would it make? If this is to happen, it wouldn't make a different, in my eyes. Thoughts?
    M4ster_M1ner likes this.
  5. That not everyone will be able to tp to your shop since outpost will be "private" to a certain extent
  6. I can see both sides of this, however another difference is in the wild, normally in a community items are shared/gifted not part of shops. Though I think it's a cool idea and would double with adding some anti-theft abilities to chests.

    However, I also like keeping it out of the wild as this does bring people back to town, which I think is a cool aspect of EMC. I built a rail to the outpost that we have in order to help with this as many have with rail, nether rail, roads, etc...
    PetezzaDawg likes this.
  7. Indeed, but what if the shops are meant to be private, only used by citizens of the community?
    M4ster_M1ner and ChespinLover77 like this.
  8. If shops were aloud in outpost then the money should be recycled into the outposts bank. Like the shop sign will not have a players name on it but rather the outposts name. This way it's fair to the outposts community cause it benefitsthem all and not a single player.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  9. Not necessarily. Since the first line of the shop is the players name, people often leave it blank. So why not put something there? Like [P] for private or something, I don't know. Then it'd show as private on the final sign. e.g:
  10. Or just have the internal setting in the server (or something) that automatically makes shops that are placed in outposts limited to it's residents. I'm sure Aikar and the devs could make that happen if they wanted to implement that.
  11. The simplest, straight-forward solution is to have chest-shops in the Frontier. No twists and bends are needed. A chest-shop would be automatically locked.

    Having to go back to the town, even if via teleport, would break the look and feel of a Frontier settlement. That wouldn't feel good.

    Why would anyone want to restrict development of the Frontier by denying convenient trading?

    A shop does not mean taking advantage over others, but making offers and providing a service. If outpost members want to share, they can do that anyway. Shared money accounts would just create a nightmare, worse than irl.
  12. You can always do what we do at our outpost.... Have a redstone machine that trades item for item or have chests if you trust enough.
  13. The first is expensive (materials, building, space, running around to find the item in a shop) and lacks flexibility, the second is not scalable and not suitable for inter-settlement trade.
  14. I think honestly just allow regular shops out in the frontiers with similar setup to how they are in town. Have shop chests in the wild automatically lock, that way everyone can avoid merchandise theft. Much like what M4ster_M1ner said.
    WardleDeBoss likes this.
  15. So the chest would be locked with the shop being created? I would suggest a system that allows friends to be able to access the chest.

    I think it'd be a similar system to the AntiGrief allowing friends to open the chest and people to /vouch for you (Would also allow you to change the setting in /ps).

    I think this would prevent stealing but allow friends to stock your shop.
  16. I am neither for nor against this but I think many times in life we make a choice and we know what we get on both sides of a choice. The wild is more like normal Minecraft and people who decide that is where they want to spend all their time make that decision. If you are town only, you miss the normal minecraft play and challenges that go along with it. If you pick to be only a wilderness emc player you have knowingly put yourself outside the normal town based economy. The ability to TP back to town from your own outposts opens a lot up to those players who had selected the second choice. Adversely this impacts them to if they were remote and out of touch from town intentionally, no matter the reason. I think adding shops in the wild could create some rather cool locations that may allow explorers to refill/unload but it creates a new headache related to protection, economy and overhead. Just my takes on pros and cons, but really I see neither a huge benefit (once empires is in) nor a real downside if the coders decide to take it on.
  17. I think there is very limited benefit of that, same as in the town. It is only of interest for a very small group who share everything - and that means rupees as well. Internally, they don't need shops at all. Access signs, as in the town, would probably be sufficient. Perhaps the access sign could be for a permanent named group.

    The restriction of convenient trading to just the one town is not natural. It is an artificial intervention where we can speculate about the original and the current reasons. (Or was there / is there any information about why only in the town?)

    A small friends-only and/or family-only settlement does not need chest-shops. This wouldn't change. It would be still a matter of choice whether one mostly plays far out in the wild, in a small settlement, in a bigger settlement, in a town or in the town.

    Is there any sound reason why not to allow bigger settlements to have convenient trading, to grow and develop?
  18. -1. The town of economy could suffer because not as many will come back to town to spend there. Anyone in town with a shop has a chance to have you as a customer but in an outpost those customers will buy from shops less often and instead spend their rupees in an outpost where only a small community has an opportunity to have them as a customer. I can't walk in and set up a shop in your outpost, therefore I lose customers as do other players with shops in town.
  19. Yes and No... noted also in my post " I think adding shops in the wild could create some rather cool locations" and though I say that with the new tp function for remote settlements, they will now have very easy access to the larger community and existing shops. This would make it easier to supply their own settlements shop(s) as well which getting more rupees can help to get resources needed. I am neither for nor against this, but there are 2 sides and it will create more programming, server resources (more mods on more places) and support needs.

    Is kind of un-true. I live in "no where" irl. I have to go 10-15 minutes just to get to the edge of anywhere I can work, buy or sell. I made a decision to move to the country. Whatever those reasons, I had to think of the pros and cons and made a choice. Having the shops added change emc and will have some impact on the town, which is where today all trade takes place for rupees. ...again, I never said being in wild exclusively was a bad thing, but that is a choice still and each player makes that choice and understands the end results of that choice.