Greetings everyone, my name is Tom (aka Sir_Koozie). I am married (in RL) to Lady Michelle. I live in Central Pennsylvania, USA. I am an older individual, but love playing Minecraft. Usually sticking to my own stand alone servers, or with my nephews on our own local server. I was at another server playing but they go to b a bit arrogant and high and mighty on themselves so i left there in search of another nice place to play. This seems like that place so that is why i am here. I hope i can get to know a good group of people and join in some Minecraft play on here... Hopefully i will chat with some of you later.
Dear Sir Koozie, I welcome you to Empire Minecraft. I hope to get to meet you and maybe chat a bit with you and your wife Lady Michele. I shall look forwards to that and I hope you come to love this server from head to toe. Sincerely, Lady Eliza
Welcome to the EMC family Tom! If you ever need anything please grab me anytime in game, or shoot me a PM here, my inbox is always open.
Welcome to the Empire! You'll find a lot of age variety on here and a lot of families too. This place is one of a kind, glad you've joined.
Hi Tom. Welcome to the Empire. I'm also an older individual and enjoy playing minecraft. I'm sure you will enjoy your stay here.
Welcome! As always, if I can help, just ask... There is so much that can be done on EMC its actually amazing! The forums and wiki are top notch. So is the staff and in general most players. As noted by others, like you I consider myself older than the average MC player (and late to the game with only about 6 months now under my belt) and I love it as well. Myself along with my wife and 3 kids all play on EMC as well as our own private server. I'm on smp1 if you ever want to stop and say hey. Best of luck out there and happy mine crafting! Love your local shops and servers malls! There is a world of great things available. Make sure to vote daily for some cool rewards and bonus rupees to spend. Your "/vault" will allow you to jump servers and shop at other servers (or fight/build/etc) and take stuff back and forth. Beware of Marlix but Momentus is not so bad and neither will attack you unless provoked by you if you keep your "/difficulty" at 5 or less...