[Discussion] How did you find EMC?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by AdinD, Mar 24, 2017.

  1. Personally, I think I found EMC via a server list website in 2012. I got my sisters into it for a bit and was banned in late 2012 iirc. I was unbanned sometime in 2013 and played until mid 2014. I quit but recently started playing again a little over a month ago.

    How did you find EMC and what is your (quick) EMC story?
  2. My sister found this server and knew I played Minecraft, so she told me about EMC and I played for a bit in 2013 then quit and joined back in 2015
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. I was bored and looked on a server list website, EMC appealed to me more than the other standard pay $100
    for god mode or get slaughtered and get ignored in chat because your username and anything you type is 155 times smaller and darker coloured than the god mode people kind of servers.
  4. I found emc while searching the dark web. Nah just joking.

    Was trying out some servers and found a lot of the tutorials very confusing. While emc had a simple interesting one. Especially for those who never played on a server before. It was very welcoming and had everything I ever wanted. An economy to sell goods. Which makes it thrilling and meaningful than just building.
  5. On phone so will be short...

    One day there was a bomb that blew up on town square and I was called in. After so much undercover work and math equations I found myself at a bunch of dead ends. But that's when it hit us again and 5 more bombs went off at the same time. We later realized that they were distractions for their real plan to steal data from the database at our head office....

    Wait what are we supposed to talk about? Whoops, I thought it was storytelling time.

    I found it looking for a non pvp server and was a new server with full servers. So I joined.
  6. I forgot :p It's been 5 years and 4 months (26/11/2011), so, yeah. I might remember later though (my memory is weird), or if I can be bothered I'll look for an old thread, because I do remember once posting it. :p
  7. I simply typed into google top 10 non faction minecraft servers. Read each bio about the servers and decided to tryout the Empire.
    I was lured by the no grief promises.
    Equinox_Boss and ChespinXMas2k16 like this.
  8. Introduced by a friend :D
    Equinox_Boss and ChespinXMas2k16 like this.
  9. It was the funniest thing.... I only play on one server, period. Simply because if I like the environment then I tend to put a decent amount of my time into it and well.. if you're serious about that then it can become a bit tricky to divide your attention. It also doesn't help that my working times heavily differ. One week I can play for hours, sometimes even during working hours (phone support, it's easy to go afk) yet others I hardly get any time to play at all.

    Anyway... The previous server I played on was preparing to upgrade to 1.8 and that included a full map wipe. Being unfamiliar with mods such as WorldDownloader and Schematica this heavily upset and demotivated me and I started thinking... If I had to start all over anyway, then what was stopping me from looking for another server? Well, nothing :D

    So how to find another server? By going over the sites I visited daily anyway: the voting sites.

    I started looking for a non-PVP server, preferably one which also provided a bit of an economy factor. I went over the list, I started looking at the bottom and noticed the banner and tried it out. The moment when I stepped into the tutorial I immediately had the notion that this could definitely be my next server to play on.

    I hung around a bit, played, also tried other servers but none of them could match up to EMC for me.

    And so I started playing, and I've been doing that for the last 2.5 years. I've been playing Minecraft for 3 years total now, 10th of March was my anniversary.
  10. Well to be honest my sister was shockingly the one who was first into Minecraft (given that she doesn't really game :eek:) it happened in about mid june-ish of 2014 that my sister got a laptop and Minecraft account. I didn't jump in on the action and get myself a laptop and account either until early August after seeing my sister play on this one (non specific) prison type server.
    After I had my account and got bored with the prison server because it was pretty laggy so it wasn't much of fun I started looking at other servers, it was a few servers in and I found Empire Minecraft.
    I joined and completed the tutorial (which looked amazing) and got one of those new player plots with all the signs, I'm like wow this server is awesome. Not long after I joined I got my sister on here (Cakecrafter22) and at first I thought it would be like all other servers where I would eventually quit, but no no no emc is one of a kind with a great community and i quickly made lots of friends on smp3 :)
    The rest is history, here I am boiz <3
    Jadziaa and Equinox_Boss like this.
  11. I just googled survival servers and it was the first thing to pop up :p
    ChespinXMas2k16 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  12. I got introduced by my friend :D.
    ChespinXMas2k16 likes this.
  13. Before I ever thought of joining a server, I had only done single player, and one day I decided to search around for a server that could meet what I was looking for.
    After a few Google searches I noticed that this one server was on almost all the lists I had seen so I decided to give it a shot. The one thing that really pulled me in and kept me here was the community. The second I finished the tutorial I was greeted by the friendly folks of SMP8, and it's all history from there :)
    ShelLuser and ChespinXMas2k16 like this.
  14. I played single player. 11 year old me went "let's go troll some people on a server and grief it will be dead funny"

    Then I joined and didn't troll or grief, aren't I nice.
    PetezzaDawg and SirTah like this.
  15. Searching for a sever as me and my friend wanted a new one but i joined and she didn't. We then found a different server but eventually we drifted apart, I ended up sticking around and coming back here for good ! :p
    ChespinXMas2k16 likes this.
  16. I started on solo mc... which I found intereting but lacking something. Felt a server with some player interaction would be better.. so looked at several server lists for survival... and Emc was near the top of a few of them... so came to try it out.

    In other words... blind luck... thanks to my rabbits foot.