Remote Shop Signs

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by bloodra1n, Mar 17, 2017.


What do you think of Remote Shop Signs?

Remote what!? YES PLZ OMG BBQ 9 vote(s) 45.0%
Many feature such wow 5 vote(s) 25.0%
Moar shop signs! 4 vote(s) 20.0%
Moar Dragon Tomb Signs 7 vote(s) 35.0%
BBQ signs 4 vote(s) 20.0%
Remote BBQ 7 vote(s) 35.0%
What am I doing with my life lol 5 vote(s) 25.0%
Another option? 2 vote(s) 10.0%
Make it stop 4 vote(s) 20.0%
GGWP 1 vote(s) 5.0%
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Remote shop signs.

    Early released last new years eve, which is 3 months and 17 days ago at the moment I'm writing this post.
    I'm sure I'm not the only one that's still excited to learn and see more of them and obviously I would love to get my hands on those mysterious new Remote Shop Signs.

    When will they be able to be bought in the supporter shop?
    What will the price be per piece?
    Any chance of regular members getting them (with voting for example?)

    I'm still remotely excited (see what I did there?), please give us more insight!
  2. Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. I thought there was mention of 3 for $1 during a coding live stream soon after NY eve. Maybe that's changed.
    Equinox_Boss and EmpireMall like this.
  4. im not 2 sure. news of them is kinda quiet and i dont see the advantage. remote or not u gotta restock anyway. i wouldnt pay money for them.
    Equinox_Boss and Roslyn like this.
  5. That's what I heard
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. Thanks for the answers so far guys!

    I indeed heard multiple people saying the same price, but as long as it is not in supporter shop that could still change. I think 3 for $1 is a bit expensive, but I think it does cover the value.

    As for what the advantage is... In general it gives us more options to build.
    Remote shop signs open up a whole new world of how shops can look, since you will no longer be limited to have the bulky chests in the face of players that want to use the shop. Obviously the shops will still need restocking, but even that could me done in a much better way by having remote shop signs activated on a storage-like room for owners/suppliers.

    Actually I don't really see why they haven't implemented them yet?
    The code is written and it works ingame. On the website they can add another item+pricing, which I can't imagine to be a hassle with the amount of ecommerce solutions around and a working shop module already on emc.
    It could even be the same as supporter vouchers ingame, as with all supporter stuff you'll have to get in touch with Kryssy.
    If it was about hyping a feature, I guess it could have worked as me and others were certainly hyped about it, and I'm still hoping to see this come to emc very soon. I've been waiting patiently for 3 months before posting this. I wouldn't call 3 months+ 'soon'. I'd love to use this feature, but there was no way I could attend on the new years eve event because of time zones. Buying the 64 remote shop signs that were dropped that evening is not doable because people hold onto them or ask a ridiculous price. I know I generally have more rupees to dish out, but for me having just a small amount of the feature signs doesn't make a difference for me. Why can I not use this feature that would make the difference for me?

    I apologize for my ranting, but unlike supporterships, this is something I would want to break my bank for.

    I would truly appreciate a response from our staff
    ThaKloned, Equinox_Boss and ShelLuser like this.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  8. Thing is: we don't know if it works as intended. There could be caveats which still need to be sorted out. I myself came across some cool features which worked quite well yet seemed out of place so I decided to run it past the dev team. Turned out they didn't even understand how that thing even worked. It was a glitch, a fluke, not a feature.

    Now, obviously this isn't a fluke given all the advertisement, but...

    Testing something in theory is not the same as testing something in the real world. For all I know those freebies they gave out were intended as tests, they got results and "stuff happened". Which required more work. That's my theory at least.

    No need to apologize in my book. You're passionate, it suits you, obviously you don't like being kept in the dark this whole time. And I agree, after all this time it would be nice to get a status update for those who are actually excited about this.
    bloodra1n and Equinox_Boss like this.
  9. The remote shop sign being in the site shop is as elusive as Dragon Tombs/Land Claiming.
  10. At this point, it's the only feature we've got right now that isn't already placed in a group that is overall non-EULA compliant. Of course that means they can take the features away at any point. Of course the odds of them deciding to follow the EULA are hella slim, but it's not worth risking my money for the server for.
    bloodra1n and Equinox_Boss like this.
  11. ETA for Remote Shop Signs = After Dragon Tombs release.
  12. Well what's the ETA for dragon tombs? It's been years and I'm still searching for it.
    bloodra1n and Equinox_Boss like this.
  13. I have 5 of these.
  14. Thanks for your contribution
    Equinox_Boss and SkareCboi like this.
  15. np Dad.
  16. Just to make sure I understand correctly, shop remote signs are signs that you can buy from without having the chest in front?
    bloodra1n likes this.
  17. They could indeed have encountered issues with the new feature, which then they would obviously not want to spread.. that would make sense I guess.

    I really really really hope not.

    Wait, are you saying that this feature might be non-eula compliant? If that was the case, then why would they introduce it in the first place? O:

    I'm glad that my grand grand grand children will live that day for me.

    I appreciate the offer, but I'll need 100x that amount atleast to make it worthwhile for me.

    Yes, as long as the chest is on the same residence it works.
    ShelLuser, Equinox_Boss and Roslyn like this.
  18. This feature is EULA compliant, but I'm saying Diamond Supporter (and Gold/Iron) are not. Feel free to ask why they still have non-EULA compliant things, if you'd like. From my understanding (which of course the changing of the A in Empire Minecraft kind of contradicts) a certain lead staff believes the EULA does not apply to us since we are not a factions server, so that would definitely explain it.
  19. EMC hasnt been called upon action by mojang, but Aikar, Krysyy and staff have taken actions upon themselves to approach EULA compliance when possible. Example: removal of ability to purchase rupees, and the logo change

    I dont think that supportership breaks EULA...