I hired some new models since my cloning machine didn't work. I would tell you their names, but they only respond with a hrmmm. I think. Anyway, they are here to show off a cool game. Displayed before you is Deal or No Deal. Here is how the game works: At the beginning of the game, I will ask you to choose one Shulker Box. Once you choose a Shulker Box, it is yours until the end of the game. You will not know what your Shulker Box contains. Now here is where the fun begins. Each round I will ask you to choose a number of Shulker Boxes. I will open the chosen Shulker Boxes and reveal what each Shulker Box is worth (Their possible values are shown in the picture). These Shulker Boxes are now out of the game. After each round, I will offer an amount of rupees to purchase your Shulker Box. If you decline, say No Deal and you will proceed to the next round. If you accept, say Deal and the game will end with you taking the money. I will then reveal what was in your Shulker Box (the one I bought). This will continue until one Shulker Box remains on the stands. I will give you one final offer to buy your Shulker Box and if you decline, you will be faced with the option to open your Shulker Box or open the Shulker Box left on the stands. You will keep whatever amount of rupees are in the said Shulker Box. My Goal: Buy your Shulker Box for less than what it is worth Your Goal: Get the most rupees you can, whether by making a deal or by getting your Shulker Box's rupees at the end. IMPORTANT NOTES I will know what each Shulker Box contains. If you want to ensure I am not cheating you of rupees, I can give the list to a mod and they can make sure I am not rigging the game. My offers will be based on a formula, so you will not get any clues from my offers. You can only play once (for now). No alternate accounts may be used for getting into the game. The entire game will play out on this thread so you can get some help from the audience. Yes, this entire game is based off chance. The amounts are shuffled between the Shulker Boxes via random.org Yes, you can win up to 1.000.000 rupees. My formula for the offering has changed drastically from last game. These offers will be much less predictable and influence you to go further.
The Tower would like to play till the end. No matter what the offer is. Tower thinks the case we pick is the case that will contain the million.
Sweet! Count me in. I'll just hang around and case the joint. While we're waiting, let me pass around the hand sanitizer.