[Auction] 1 DC of Sugar Cane

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by WuerdGirl, Jan 18, 2017.

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  1. Item: 1 DC's of Sugar Cane
    Starting Bid: 100r
    Minimum Bid Increment: 1r
    Auction Ending Time: 48 hours after last valid bid

    A preview is available on smp2 at /v WuerdGirl or /v 3819. Pick up is inside my shop, there are signs to guide you, so please read them. (You'll see the shop sign when you land on my res)
  2. don't be a jerk like that 1502
  3. 1503 Also Don't Tell Me What To Do
  4. I wasn't telling you I was asking you 1504
  5. and you sound like a jerk when you say that so...
  6. Why Thanks That's What I Intended On 1550
  7. I can understand heated auctions, but would you guys mind leaving out the name calling? I can understand if you know each other and that you know the other to realize that you're merely fooling around. Thing is: it could still send out a wrong impression to others who might not understand the joke.

    Just my 2 cents mind you.
    TomvanWijnen and WuerdGirl like this.
  8. Xycan, as this an auction and what ShelLuser said was right. You should keep your cool and not call people a jerk. I know those times when you know they are, but you can't put it on the internet for people to see.
  9. also 1501
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