[Suggestion] Command to show what blocks you have protected~

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by finch_rocks_1, Jan 14, 2017.

  1. Hey EMC,

    Have you been working on a build but forget to sometimes put buildmode on? Wanted to tell what blocks you have protected?

    This would enable a command that would give all the blocks you own a color (Like an overlay or something), but would only show yours. You can not see who owns what, as this is ment for the protection of your builds.

    Let me know what you think,

  2. Oh god I want this to be a thing so bad!
  3. Was thinking exactly this just recently, i do like this idea, very much!
  4. I wish! I'm terrible at remembering build mode. Then when I do remember, I have no idea what ones I laid without build mode.

    Note: TNT is a good tester!
  5. +1000000000 A while back, I was working with khixan and the rest of the PWU crew on the nether rails. Halfway through, I forgot to turn on build mode, so I had to go back and destroy everything :oops: I hope there won't be random holes in the nether rails now... (shh don't tell khixan, jk jk)
  6. +1.

    It's the one thing missing a bit in my opinion, not being able to tell if something is already protected or not.

    Well, I have good news and I got a little bad news ;)

    The good news is that some blocks (like rails) are automatically protected, no need for /buildmode with those. So the bad news is that you might not have had to redo that rails section :eek:
    Equinox_Boss and finch_rocks_1 like this.
  7. Anymore it's second nature to do /buildmode as soon as I log in. Very rarely do I forget to turn it on.

    Though I like the Idea. I can't help wonder if some banned player would come back with an alt and use this method to search and destroy non protected blocks out of revenge.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  8. the idea is it will only show you YOUR protected blocks, as stated in the op.
    Equinox_Boss and finch_rocks_1 like this.
  9. Okay, it was the next line that through me off. I assumed you could see all protected blocks as a solid color and then be able to see yours as another color like schematica. Without this alerting you as to who the other protected blocks belonged to.

    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  10. As Mob_Meal said, its to show your blocks, no one else can use it to search for others blocks as it would not work that way. Think of it as a Schematic, You have one loaded but only you can see it.

    Then there is the fact that many do forget to turn it on, When you build in town, you dont use it, but when you are in the wild there are many times where you loose track from say laggy connection, or if you are working on a build your focused on the build more than the command.

    And then there is the fact where if you built a build before the update came out where you want to see what blocks of yours are and are not protected, or if you are doing a build where you have to clear land and sometimes forget if you placed the item there of if it was there already.

    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  11. I hope I didn't sound rude AncientTower, I was merely trying to clarify.
    Equinox_Boss and AncientTower like this.
  12. Indicator? Perhaps a good suggestion. As I do tent to completely forget to turn /buildmode on after switching servers.
  13. That does not show your what blocks you have protected though.
  14. +1
    I also seem for forget to put buildmode on when making tunnels or farms so I think this would be a great idea to see what I may need to go back over with buildmode enabled.
    finch_rocks_1 likes this.