Dear EMC staff/players before you disagree on this look at the facts

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by abYoshi, Dec 29, 2016.

  1. Hi Staff I think EMC needs to fix some problems. On the course of Aug 2014 since I joined and now, I have seen changes with the emc Economy/shops, Players with no one to play with/Nothing more to do because of no demand to work for, to much supply for items and promos, less people enjoying this server.

    I hope you EMCers start discussing this very soon and finding out ways to solve this.

    [Tell me what you think then i will tell you what i think needs to be done]
  2. I perfer players who comment has been on emcee FOR over 500 days.
  3. Go give it to me
  4. I have suggestions for people over 500 days old.
  5. I do not think this is a valid point you want to make. It's rather... judgmental, actually, to basically say responses from players under 500 days are inapplicable. I know you said you'd prefer, not that you must, but this is still pretty judgmental imo. When I was just 200 days old on this server, I felt just as valid a member and my thoughts were just as important as they are now, or just as important as anyone older than I was.

    I have been on EMC for about 526 days as of writing this post, and I honestly don't see 1) how this is a suggestion or 2) how this is even an issue. Someone not having others to play with, quite frankly, is their own problem. EMC has tons of events where players can meet and get together and pretty much everyone on EMC is extremely friendly. It is not difficult to find someone to play with at all. If I, as someone who has ludicrous amounts of social anxiety, can be so open to others on here, it must be doing something right. So I do not think anything needs to be done there

    As far as work goes, um... no. The easiest way to get work? Look at megamalls and shops and see what needs stocking. Most big malls and shops have the preview flag on. If you do /tpreview, you can then see inside chests to see what needs stocking, and then can go gather that item and sell it to that shop. There you go, instant work and rupees. I've gotten about 150k rupees in just the past three days from doing this. So, again... nothing there I see that needs fixing. It's on the player who wants to make rupees to look.

    Yeah, there's surplus supply... of farmable items. It's very easy to specialize on certain items and make a monumental profit off of it. For example, mob eggs, quartz, glowstone, wool; not all of which is regularly supplied at shops. Again, it is on the player to do research and decide what items are rarer in the marketplace and what they should put their time and energy into supplying.
  6. I love how you say look at the facts in the title but provide no facts in your post.

    Anyways, I disagree with you. There is plenty to do, you just have to actively pursue it.
  7. I gave you my answers in chat yesterday and I stand by them. The community is free to discuss all they wish, but Staff won't be responding to this thread past this point.

    Moving from suggestion to discussion where it belongs.
  8. First of all wither doggie they facts are em needs to change how it was when i joined. Lets start with promos, promos have gone down now because they are sold at /shop that makes them trash. Now lets start with the economy I agree yes you can build stuff, but they're isn't anything to work for like owning shops. Because no one buys from each other as often anymore. Last, Now look at how people are leaving. The servers feel empty at like 50% of the time and, it only feels fun like a community when events happen. If theres more players for each SMP there will be a greater community and more people doing stuff like (working to build a house or making shops with everyone buying from each other) [Keep coming with questions]
  9. I have zero idea what you just said. Speak English please.
    We3_MPO, Tigerstar, _Bunni__ and 9 others like this.
  10. If you don't know how to read please go to school.
    ESSELEM likes this.
  11. Sorry to be mean
    ESSELEM likes this.
  12. I can read extemely well. "They facts are em needs" is not a sentence nor something that is understandable. Saying I need to learn to read when you wrote nonsense is a completely dumb argument.
  13. What??
  14. I don't think you should say this, you aren't exactly a grammar wiz.

    I agree with the promo market for SURE, but yah there are plenty of things to do. Especially with 1.11.2. You could hunt for Woodland's Mansions, yesterday you could've been trying to get shulker boxes. You could mine, you could build, you could get a DC of each piece of god gear. It's Minecraft, there are infinite possibilities with what you can do.
  15. Can you be little nicer and just discuss this i didn't mean for this to get personal.
  16. wither do you have a alt?
  17. Me be nicer? You just called me stupid by saying I can't read. If anyone was rude in this thread it was you. Saying an argument that is completely false is dumb is not rude. I didn't call you dumb either.
    Sydney4363, We3_MPO, _Bunni__ and 7 others like this.
  18. Here's my take on the situation:
    1. I've been on EMC for almost 5 years, so I've seen several changes
    2. Since when is change a bad thing?
    Anyway, Change does happen, and I think it's good that EMC is going through these changes. Yes, there are times where barely anyone's on, but that has more to do with the path Minecraft itself is going down.
    Why does it matter if promos are being sold at the Empire Shop? Part of the economy was built off of promos, but promos were made to be used, not to be sold. To say they should only be available via /promo doesn't feel right.
    EMC doesn't have the same population density that it used to because it upgraded to 10 total servers, as opposed to the 4 there were when I first joined.

    So yes, EMC is changing, but no, it's not a bad thing. Change happens, and we shouldn't try to regulate every single aspect of the server like this. If the server was exactly the same all the time, it would eventually get bland and people would leave even faster.
  19. A suggestion for future suggestions would be to put the topic in the title. The current title tells me nothing about what this thread will be about. If I understand correctly, you are asking for people to provide their ideas on how to get more players to stay? This was brought up in a big thread a few weeks ago and there was tons of input. I would recommend looking for that. You say to ask you what you think needs to be done, so what do you think needs to be done? Finally, please proofread your posts. I agree with WitherDoggie that it is difficult to understand them. It is hard to take your post seriously when there are many errors in them that make it hard to read.

    Edit: Just got super ninjad. None of the grammar things are meant to be personal, they are just somewhat hard to understand. I would recommend clicking the edit button, fixing the red lines, and reading your posts again.