[Giveaway] Thirteen Days of Promos, Rupees, and Vouchers

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by MatthewDA, Dec 9, 2016.

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  1. Hello Empire,

    For some time now, with every thousand views or so on the EMC Shops and Attractions V2 thread I've given out rupees in the corresponding amount to some lucky person. Well, we just hit 10,000 views, so it's time for a giveaway! But this one is happening just as I reach my fourth year on EMC as well as achieving 20,000,000 lifetime TEXP...and it's Christmas. So, in addition to rupees, I'll be giving away assorted rupee/promo/voucher prizes for 13 days beginning December 17th!

    What to do:
    1. To enter, pick an available number from 1 to 167 and post it here (check the spoiler below and thread). If you accidentally pick a number already taken I will give you the next available number. Please only post once.
    2. You may post up until midnight, EMC time, Dec 28th for the final drawing on the 29th.
    3. No alts please, one entry per person (spread the love).
    4. Winners will be picked each day utilizing random.org.
    5. There will be no repeat winners, once a winning number is picked it will be removed from future drawings (spread the love some more!).
    6. Please be patient if I do not announce winners immediately…like on Christmas.
    7. The 13 item prizes are available to preview and will be picked up by each winner at The Hoard @ 18721, auction pickup area. Items not picked up within 10 days of winning will be forfeited and redrawn.

    The prizes:
    Dec 17th - (Feast for a King + 64 Gold Blocks)* + 10,000r, Winner, #29: xSkitzie :)
    Dec 18th - Cupid's Bow + 10,000r, Winner, #87: Carbonyx :)
    Dec 19th - Holiday Candle + 10,000r, Winner, #130: jjhhgg100123 :)
    Dec 20th - Magical Eggcellent Wand + 10,000r, Winner, #30: Qkazooo :)
    Dec 21st - Pot of Gold + 10,000r, Winner, #54: TamTamV :)
    Dec 22nd - Avalauncer + 10,000r, Winner, #111: JDHallows :)
    Dec 23rd - Headless Horseman Mask + 10,000r, Winner, #49: FWRonald :)
    Dec 24th - Chicken Skewer + 10,000r, Winner, #108: Ninja_Nine :)
    Dec 25th - Bizz Ard's Nose + 10,000r, Winner, #5: Equinox_Boss :)
    Dec 26th - Liberty Sword + 10,000r, Winner, #121: MasterMockery :)
    Dec 27th - Turkey Slicer (mob drop) + 10,000r, Winner, #3: FadedMartian :)
    Dec 28th - Mineral Mincer + 10,000r, Winner, #41: TechNinja_42 :)

    Dec 29th - Iron Supporter Voucher + Vault Voucher + Stable Voucher + 10,000r!
    Final Winner, #116: _cTJ_ - Congrats! :D

    Good luck everyone,

    *Added these items (12/16) to make the first day more interesting!
  2. 1 - EquableHook
    2 - jesseqw
    3 - FadedMartian Dec 27th Winner!
    4 - Will_McNab
    5 - Equinox_Boss Dec 25th Winner!
    6 - ILTG
    7 - ThtBaymon
    8 - b0bbythebuild3r
    9 - Raaynn
    10 - Sealeon
    11 - crafter31211
    12 - IFixer
    13 - frostyminerpete
    14 - jossytheninja
    15 - TBirdXmas16
    16 - FluffeMarshmallo
    17 - Sachrock
    18 - LoneStarLady
    19 - Rhyblet
    20 - ZanDarkin
    21 - FDNY21
    22 - _Devil__
    23 - ThaKloned
    24 - Tigerstar
    25 - NuclearBobomb
    26 - KungFuCactus
    27 - WolfInAction
    28 - MarcoFLC
    29 - xSkitzie Dec 17th Winner!
    30 - Qkazooo Dec 20th Winner!
    31 -
    32 - samsimx
    33 - Paranoid_Android
    34 - WitherDoggie
    35 -
    36 - Perez2428
    37 -
    38 - Tomvanwijnen
    39 -
    40 - JParsonsX
    41 - TechNinja_42 Dec 28th Winner!
    42 - MrCDub

    43 - Allicanto
    44 - GeneralWillikers
    45 -
    46 -
    47 - 1998golfer
    48 -
    49 - FWRonald Dec 23rd Winner!
    50 -
    51 -
    52 -
    53 -
    54 - TamTamV Dec 21st Winner!
    55 - ExExUnderscore
    56 -
    57 -
    58 -
    59 -
    60 - Christmas_Addict
    61 -
    62 -
    63 -
    64 - SkareCboi
    65 -
    66- WyntyrRaevyn
    67 -
    68 -
    69 - Aiyard
    70 - starwar77
    71 -
    72 - Uber_Corq
    73 -
    74 - PeachPenguin
    75 -
    76 -
    77 - Skelemas2k16
    78 - Duflet
    79 -
    80 -
    81 -
    82 -
    83 - MalcolmTheHealer
    84 - Lomax

    87 - Tyron87
    85 -
    86 -
    87 - Carbonyx Dec 18th Winner!
    88 - slash14459
    89 -
    90 - Xatez
    91 -
    92 -
    93 -
    94 -
    95 -
    96 -
    97 -
    98 - RunkerD
    99 - Gage9942
    100 - Vortixin
    101 - Fexu
    102 -
    103 - TasteOfTerror
    104 - PvPizzaPocket
    105 - mega_dragon1234
    106 - nltimv
    107 -
    108 - Ninja_Nine Dec 24th Winner!
    109 -
    110 -
    111 - JDHallows Dec 22nd Winner!
    112 -
    113 -
    114 -
    115 -
    116 - _cTJ_ Dec 29th Winner!
    117 -
    118 -
    119 -
    120 - TopHatGuru
    121 - MasterMockery Dec 26th Winner!
    122 - Themoglover
    123 - Gawadrolt
    124 -
    125 - Lordess_Spartan

    126 -
    127 - 607
    128 - 99marvel
    129 -
    130 - jjhhgg100123 Dec 19th Winner!
    131 -
    132 -
    133 -
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    138 -
    139 -
    140 -
    141 -
    142 -
    143 -
    144 - Kippy159
    145 -
    146 -
    147 - ChristmasTower
    148 - Tuqueque
    149 -
    150 -
    151 -
    152 -
    153 - TheMrClausible
    154 -
    155 - joesnoozer
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    159 -
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    161 -
    162 -
    163 -
    164 - lottie1664
    165 -
    166 -
    167 - PupInAction
    EquableHook, MarcoFLC, 607 and 2 others like this.
  3. I'll take number 147 please. So nice of you to do this giveaway. Also congrats on 20 mill texp and Merry Christmas.
  4. I'll take 10 please ^-^ Thanks for doing this and a Big Congrats :D
    Happy holidays everyone :cool:
  5. I'll take 164 please, and... what's TEXP?
  6. Thanks!!! 5 please :D

    Total Experience Points I think
    God_Of_Gods, 607, Kytula and 3 others like this.
  7. Thanks for the giveaway, I'll take 24 please.
  8. Congrats on being a part of emc for four years! Now that's dedication. And congrats on 10,000 views and 20mill TEXP. A lot of achievements at once there. Good job! :D I would like to have 22 please.
  9. Thanks for hosting this and good luck to all :D

    #87 Please :)
  10. rip
  11. Nice record.. and generous giveaway.

    Request No 9 please

  12. Ill take 25 plz
  13. Number 101 please :p Happy almost 4 Years Matthew!
  14. Number 14 please :) And congrats on all those achievements :D
  15. Number 99 Please :D
  16. Many congratulations Matthew, and thank you. Number 84 please. :)
  17. Number 4 please :)
  18. prods the matthew of awesomeness i'll take a 66 with a side order of congrats for your achievements :D well done and happy hols
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