Just Like Battle of the Sexes but with Politics

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by EquableHook, Oct 24, 2016.

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  1. i could debate this till tuseday if u want to pm me XD
    but for now here is my problems with the other candidate.
    • the emails she deleted 33k sepenied emails (tampering with evidence) (hindering a federal investigation)
    • trying to protect a child molester (not her husband)
    • she may be a pedo ( i can't confirm this ) (long list of crimes that goes with this)
    • the Clinton foundation is pay to play this is confirmed
    • her and oboma allowed isis to be created
    • nafta "the gold standard" are u kidding me ? enough said
    • she wants open borders..... Do you know how bad immigration, terrorism and the war on drugs will get?
    • believes in the wage gap... I will save this 1 for another time
    • she wants Planned parent hood ( if u get into a car accident with a pregnant woman who is at the 3 quarter of her term u are charged with 2 of murder or manslaughter (depends on circumstances) so why is killing a child ok ?
    • She had a private email server set up for herself and this was able to being hacked then she had the server crew bleach bit the server.
    • Now here is how i disagree with you If u consider racist as banning muslims then here is the first issue with your statement
    MUSLIM is NOT a raceit is a ideology Isis can print Syrian passports if they want to so i can't tell if Mr. Smith is a refuge or a terrorist (I use smith as an example). Our immigration Screening process is a freaking joke. He wants to fix it then allow the refuges to flow in so we can make sure Mr Smith is not a terrorist.
    • If Mexicans want to come into America legally then more power to them but is someone comes in illegally and vote and get a job or even a scholarship to a college then that is not right to the americans who lived there and the immigrants that came into this country legally.
    • ALOT of the people he threatens to sue are committing a crime called slander and have never met Donald Trump in person let alone been close enough to touch him.
    • and to top it all you say How naive people can be Hillary has clearly committed many major crimes.
    Trump is pro cop (and i do not want to start a race war so i will not give a explanation)

    Finally what i agree with :
    • it is a lesser of the 2 evils
    and 41
    gladranger7 likes this.
  2. 38.
    Thanks for all that crazy_X_gamer.

    It is also... interesting how there are 47 people that have had dealings with the Clintons who suddenly died or vanished. Several in a row who were found in the woods with a bullet wound to the head. Huh. Ironic.
    gladranger7 and UltiPig like this.
  3. 38
    UltiPig likes this.
  4. 37.

    We would be at -37 if people knew who Hillary really was.
    TomvanWijnen and crazy_X_gamer like this.
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