[AUCTION] Double Chest of Coal!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Two_of_Three, Oct 29, 2016.

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  1. Item: 1 DC of coal
    Starting Bid: 1,000r
    Minimum Bid Increment: 200r
    Auction Ending Time: Saturday, November 5th at 11:00 EMC time OR 48 hours after last bid. If you have the winning bid, or if you just want to see what a double chest of coal looks like, the chest will be at /V Two_of_Three. Just follow the sign that says "auction chest" and go through the teleport thing. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. Thanks! :)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  2. 7.4K or 7,400r
  3. Congratulations Mizzo12! after you pay 10,000r I will give you an access sign on the auction chest at /v Two_of_Three.
    You should be able to find the auction chest, it's through the teleport to the shop. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me on the forums or in-game. Thanks! :)
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