ih yall

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Osher123, Oct 20, 2016.

  1. hi yall im sulinash im a veteran builder :D and im coming tho live myself out on this server i was quikly grabbed by the idea of this server i think its awsome i would love to be able exend my creativety here and meet some awsome ppl il be at the fronteir is here an outpost where i can start?? cous il need tho have better gear before i can handle it alone ima builder not a fighter : ) i can be a great asset

    its pleasure tho have found this server and i cant wait tho meet you all

    WolfInAction and ShelLuser like this.
  2. Welcome to EMC! If you have any questions just ask :D
    ShelLuser likes this.
  3. Hey, welcome!
    Where are you from? :)
  4. im from Belgium ^^ nice to meet ya
    ShelLuser and 607 like this.
  5. Ah, cool! I'm Dutch myself :)
  6. woa cool netherlands or Belgium ?
  7. The Netherlands, as my profile page says ;)
    I actually live in Frisia, but although my mother does, I don't speak Frisian myself, as I was raised in Utrecht.
    It's a shame, as I like the language, but I don't think it's worth the effort to try to start speaking it, as almost everyone here speaks Dutch too nowadays.
    nltimv and ShelLuser like this.
  8. In the end it all depends on what you're looking for. EMC is unique and very special too. The main approach is vanilla-ish and that can be a little weird at first if you're used to servers (those we do not speak off) which use lots of well known plugins but trust me: once you get used to it you can end up actually appreciating the whole thing. I know I do!

    And even when vanilla'ish survival isn't your style you can always rely on shops to get the materials you may need for your buildings ;)

    May I be so bold and spam a little? => /v +bulk on SMP8 (you can use your Empire assistant to change servers, or do: /smp8 and then /smpx (x is the number of your own server, the /loc command will tell you!) to get back). For the record: I am not involved with bulk in any way, shape or form but I do think they run an awesome shop there which is worthy of a mention like this. (I do try not to play favorites).

    My advice to you: don't try to take on EMC at once. EMC is massive, you won't succeed. And if you're ever in need of more information then please check out the wiki, it contains tons of useful information which can be very useful.

    Most of all I hope you're going to have some fun here!

    Een Zuiderbuur!! Het is een Amerikaanse server, maar geloof me: het is echt heel fijn spelen hier! / Translation: It is an American server but trust me: it's really good playing here.

    I'm also from the Netherlands (een Noorderbuur) like 607 up there. EMC is mostly US based but it has also been discovered by dozens of people all around the world. The 'prime time' to to speak is still mostly within US hours but... If you're into Minecraft then I don't think any time really matters, you can always hop onto other servers to see who has more active players at that time. And there is this thing about staff events held at more of our European times :)

    So yeah :)

    Welcome to the Empire, I really hope you're going to enjoy here!
    nltimv and 607 like this.
  9. thx for your advice i wasgonna start from the beginning anyway and ima start at the frontier first try tho work in a team learn and when i feel im ready il head of and start my own colony :D got tho the wasteland whit only a wooden sword gues how that went XD olmost died and got some strange arrows from a super fast skel lol took me 4 min to take it down

    nice to meet ya
    607 likes this.
  10. Hi sulinash. Welcome to the Empire. Enjoy your stay. :)
  11. Welcome to EMC! :)
  12. Welcome to EMC! I hope you have a fantastic time here. If you have any questions we're here to help.
    607 likes this.
  13. Welcome to EMC, If you need anything to start your journey, you will find it at /v +market on smp8. Have fun building.
  14. Welkom op EMC, zuiderbuur :)

    If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask ;)
    ShelLuser likes this.