You will need to watch the stream at during this event to fully participate. As per usual, supporter vouchers will be given out during it (yay, free stuff). I'm sure you'd like details. Well, you're not getting them until we get started. Just make sure you have a decent set of armour/tools to keep yourself alive. We will be meeting at SMP2 Town spawn. If you're feeling nice and would like to contribute to the prize funds, you can /pay me rupees or mail me stuff like promos and I'll stick it in the prize pool.
Is this like the event I was going to hold awhile back? Where you have to survive thru the wild and keep reaching checkpoints to the final end? Might join in tonight.
Hello, I am very curious about this event. What's the plan for this? I'm not seeing much information about it. If anyone knows the point and/or event specifications, please, don't be shy. Thank you
Is this like event like, when you and a group of players ( including moi ) journeyed to the end and made a base there a few days ago?
I'm a wander, yeah I'm a wanderer, I roam around around around round. (Kudos to anyone to knows the song)