smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Yes. Seems the majority of our members like to keep the way trough the wilderness.
  2. No there isn't ;)
  3. What what there is Naaa is just a myth like the cake ninja sightings
  4. I've never SEEN a cake ninja ;)
  5. Ninja's are real. So are unicorns :)
  6. I wonder if the cake ninja is RobLikescake.... Probably not.
  7. That sound awesome! I can take some strain off you and Miner Co. could operate tours for you at no cost to anyone. I am feeling really generous today. I wonder why...
  8. Yeah. That sounds cool. The place is getting bigger everyday and can be confusing esp for new members or visitors.
    The more people providing tours the better.
  9. I will organise some tours of the place. Anything you especially want to be shown? When 1.3 comes out I can give people a written book as a guide.
  10. New Member! My sister BritBrit3197 has joined us. I was giving her a bit of a tour today, xD She died a couple times in Rune's house but she thought it was funny :) She's headed to her highschool graduation tonight so she'll be back later.
  11. Sorry for the delay I am just collecting supplies plan to make it their Tomorow
  12. No problem. Be sure to pack some food and maybe a boat or two. It will make the trip easier.
  13. My friend Luke2414 has joined the community he is helping me with setting up the Miner Co. Wilderness Outpost which I have built in this community.
  14. I'm going on later tonight of you guys need help, I'm on a builders block right now on my house
  15. Oh hey btw I snapped this today. :) Seems we're all not the only ones who like Zulu's beach.

    Sorry about the death point-_- I fell trying to work on the station by my house and forgot to remove it and it's in an awkward place to edit out xD
  16. Yeah. I saw several endermen while working on the house earlier. I they would only bring sand to make the beach nicer ;)
  17. I think he had gravel, I guess to patch the hole in the path to the swamp.
  18. He is playing with a beach ball left there, and looking for someone play with lol
  19. Agin if anyone needs a tour i have a tour guide service available for any new comers or visitors also if you need to get out to the outpost tell me and ill show you a little secret
  20. I have a little secret way of getting there too. I wonder if it is the same thing?