I got banned =(

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by Axel_Axel, Dec 10, 2011.

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  1. now i need to highlight text to see it........
  2. so close... XD
  3. Aww sorry mate, well sleep well then yea :)
    ISMOOCH likes this.
  4. Fail XD Btw if you want to join the grey "cult" copy and paste this into your signature area:

    ISMOOCH likes this.
  5. hehe grey cult UNITE! xD
    MR2R2M likes this.
  6. Wellcome aboard :D
  7. Just tell me one thing please. How do you misunderstand this?

    There is NO PVP anywhere on any Empire Minecraft server.

  8. I need to ask this before someone gets hurt : are anti-grieving traps (cactus pit) considered as PvP ? If so, I'll scrap the one guarding my mining valuables in the wild.

    PS: I like your grey cult idea, let the highlight fest BEGIN :D
  9. In that extend of the question. Is it allowed to destroy the surrounding material to discourage people to continue and if they do they'll fall in a pitt of lava? (it might be that if you are sprinting you may or may not get hurt by this trap. (but that's not intenional :s)
  10. well would you kill someone of a cop randomly said so ?
  11. well, you killed someone because a "mod" said so.....
  12. well i killed a pixel
  13. still broke one of the Empires rules......
  14. Which is so funny because I was already asleep by then.
  15. yeah you got off like 10 minutes before me XD

    its funny that no one can get the gray color right XD
  16. My signature is better than yours.
    Just saying.
    MR2R2M likes this.
  17. aww you got banned? i can see why though, it was in the rules. its one thing if it were self defense (but even that is punishable), but doing this is a shame. next time, only do that to zombies and creepers, spiders and enderman, skellys and pigs. not to steves. sorry to see yah go. ill pretend to put a flower on your grave, because i cant actually put one there.
    *edit* why would you do that anyway? thats just not nice. not nice at all.
    Sanitymops likes this.
  18. I thought graves where open in the Cemetery? If not they should be.......
  19. So...

    Let's just say... hypothetically of course... that someone was griefing a nice little house I'd made out in the backwoods somewhere...

    I'm just sitting there, minding (or mining) my own business... when OMGWTF A GUY TRIES TO DESTROY MY HOUSE AND SET IT ON FIRE!!!11!!

    So I get up... remember, this is all hypothetical... and I calmly grab the bucket of lava I keep handy...

    ...and use my awesome ninja mouse skillz to close him into a 1x1x2 death chamber made of 4-block thick cobble.

    Then I pour the lava in at the top and stand there, laughing maniacally.




    ...What would be the verdict on that? :cool:

    Oh, and (hypothetically) what if I had a chest of diamonds in there?
    nnnnmc1 and NurglesRott like this.
  20. clintwards, apamment, tjboy11 and 6 others like this.
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