Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2016 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2016.

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  1. I think it might be more of a mountain. XD
    gladranger7 and legoace61 like this.

  2. It Me In Irl I Took A Picture Last Year But I Decided To do It This Year To! :D
  3. Not what I expected you to look like but You're looking good :)
    SkeleTin007 and 607 like this.
  4. PetuniaFigtree, Queen of Middle Earth
  5. XD Idk, just like facial features, blonde hair, face shape.
    Kyzoy likes this.
  6. :(

    I have a better one of BlinkyBinky and I!
  7. Must I post this again
    The rules for this thread are as follows:
    1. Please limit your photos to ONLY real photos of yourself or close family/pets (sisters/brothers etc.) that are REAL and taken in the year 2016. Any fake pictures or joke pictures that aren't you or about you IRL in someway will be removed if reported.
    2. Please keep any non-picture posts related to comments on the pictures/stories already posted. No extremely off topic posts please.
    3. Don't be rude to others. This one is pretty common sense, but if you would get in trouble for saying it on the Empire servers it is probably best to not say it on this thread. Of course compliments are welcome by all, but if you don't have something nice to say about someone's post/picture/store, just don't post it. Show some self control.
  8. Here's me with FloshPlosh:

  9. Me just chillin' in the school library.

    Edit: For those of you wondering what my shirt says it's says " Back To Back World War Champs! ".

  10. That's a shame, I don't agree with the enforcement of those rules.
    (I know, I know, this is Krysyy's thread, if she's okay with it, it's okay... but I still think it's a shame)
  11. May I ask why? What would you like to change about them? I'm pretty sure these rules have been similarly enforced in every show yourself before :p
  12. Okay, I think I understand, as these things can cause arguments to start, and may have done in the past, which is why it happens like it happens. I made that post because I always feel attacked when somebody deletes a post of mine, deleting likes with it. I hope you understand, but I understand why it is so now too.
    We3_Nub_ likes this.
  13. Allison's picture is better!
    Moonglum_ and BlinkyBinky like this.
  14. lol bryyyyyyyyyyyce
  15. So I got my hair short and I kinda regret it...
    ( my friend is in the back ground )
  16. Taken hmm hour ago
    My twin and I

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