What is your favorite 70's song?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by mayorprofessor, Oct 16, 2015.

  1. In conjunction with my previous 80's thread, I got this one. So, what is your favorite 70's song? Please post a video of the song(s) if one is available.

    EDIT: Sorry for accidentally posting this with only the first 2 words. Accidentally kept pressing the wrong key.
    EDIT 2: I got a couple videos.

  2. Nice!

    My all time favorite is easily shared: Popcorn! This is one of the songs which actually triggered my fascination for synthesizers and electronic music in general. It's safe to say that without this one I wouldn't be looking at my awesome audio equipment today.

    This is the original recording before the group 'Hot Butter' covered it and released the commonly known hit single:

    click here if the video doesn't play

    And in case any of you youngsters are wondering what the heck you're looking at: that is called a record player and it's how we used to play our music in the 70's and 80's :D

    Of course you don't need a synth to perform this one, as demonstrated by the Swedish Chef here. All you really need is a suitable kitchen and off you go:

    click here if the video doesn't play
    khixan likes this.

  3. I absolutely loved the 70s!
    FDNY21 likes this.

  4. I could go on and on....
    khixan and UltiPig like this.
  5. I already see ABBA making its way into this thread, but any ABBA song from the '70s... Amazing c:

  6. and one of the best albums of the decade....
    khixan likes this.