UHC [Old Thread]

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by RainbowChin, Aug 20, 2015.

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  1. Not much - just a personal opinion. ;) I'm not a big fan of UHC.
  2. It was going to be on the weekend, but had to be delayed... there's already a UHC on weekends. Besides, Saturday interferes with Mob Arena.
    I like the Monday UHCs better. They have less people. It's a lot more fun
    xHaro_Der likes this.
  3. Mob Arena can be moved to Monday.

    Monday Mob Arena.
  4. Krysyy's pumpkin event is Monday. Having UHC now is the best option.
  5. just leave the organizing to dramanya lol xDD
    PenguinDJ and ChickenDice like this.
  6. I don't know if I can make it today so don't blame me if I cant
  7. I hope I never have to have to delete this many posts again.
    Main thing is guys, regardless of when these events are hosted, they are hosted for you.
    Please don't allow this event to be removed for everyone just due to some disagreements you might have with 1 or 2 players...
    cadgamer101 and Krysyy like this.
  8. Ooh, I might be able to make it today. I have not been playing EMC much recently, but I am going to try to find time for this sort of thing :D
  9. Server is open now, 20 minutes :)
    ChickenDice likes this.
  10. 10 kills from the RainbowBeards :D
  11. Me and Haro did.
    xHaro_Der likes this.
  12. And ShrinkingNub, but he had to leave mid game.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  13. Nice win
  14. It was a massacre! Poor Cody and Corq... :rolleyes:
  15. Video from today's event-

    Might be good for someone who has never played, but wanted to see what it was like?
    Thanks to everyone who played today, it was fun.
  16. Thanks for the video to get a recap of what happened water:1

    I wish I went too!
    just_five_fun likes this.
  17. 20:47 is probably the best thing I've seen all day
  18. IKR! I noticed it while editing in fast forward, but went back and slowed the whole thing down because it was such a tight spot and then realized how close that moment was! It must find a place in a highlights vid eventually.

    The raw video is 1 1/2 hours long and 19 gig so I will have to delete the origional, glad I didn't miss this moment.
    Codygraw likes this.
  19. Well if you render the video just by itself, the size goes way down. Raw footage is a pain to work with but rendered footage is usually pretty manageable.
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