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May 26, 2022
Mar 30, 2015
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Esteemed Member, Male, from Kepler-22b

I might appeal in 8 Jan 25, 2017

Dim5678 was last seen:
May 26, 2022
    1. Dim5678
    2. Dim5678
      Would I have sschool if there is knee deep snow but the roads are clear?I live in a hilly terrain.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. FloatinPineapple
        Not necessarily, Most of the roads are cleared in my area but school is cancelled already so there is still hope lol
        Jan 24, 2016
      3. Dim5678
        Just confirmed, NO SCHOOL TOMMOROW!!! Going sledding in the knee deep snow.
        Jan 24, 2016
      4. Dim5678
        You guys are all wrong =D
        Jan 24, 2016
    3. Dim5678
      When you have so much pizza over a very short amount of time, that you want to puke every time you see/smell/think about pizza.
      1. Keliris
        Nah, pizza is delicious no matter how much. Put fries on top and 2x as delicious.
        Jan 23, 2016
    4. Dim5678
      Successfully installed a Minecraft simulator onto my TI-Nspire CX
      1. TromboneSteve likes this.
    5. Dim5678
      It finally snowed today. =D
      1. BlinkyBinky likes this.
    6. Dim5678
      The temperature is well below zero, but it is still raining...
      1. TromboneSteve likes this.
      2. full_diaper
        Lol, this is the first week we are below 50 here. Last were it was 70.
        Jan 10, 2016
    7. Dim5678
      Hmm, what's your opinion on Donald Trump?
      1. TromboneSteve likes this.
      2. HelloKittyRo2
        I assume you mean opinion. In my opinion, he should really learn that he lacks common sense
        Dec 30, 2015
      3. Dim5678
        Dec 31, 2015
      4. full_diaper
        I think some of Donald Trumps opinions have problems
        Dec 31, 2015
    8. salmjd
      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
      1. Dim5678
        Dec 22, 2015
      2. Dim5678
        Dec 22, 2015
    9. full_diaper
      *posts randomly on status*
    10. Dim5678
    11. Dim5678
      Tribute to the people who died in the Paris shootings...
      1. Mystical_Feline likes this.
    12. Dim5678
      Algebra sucks, especially with a teacher that gives 60 problems per night...
      1. TromboneSteve likes this.
      2. full_diaper
        Dang... I thought my algebra was hard.
        Nov 12, 2015
      3. BurgerKnight
        Ask Luckygreenbird about Calculus some time. He has seen some horrors.
        Nov 12, 2015
    13. Dim5678
      A poet owns an X-Wing...
    14. Dim5678
      Yawn, building 128 redstone sorters is boring, could anyone help?
    15. Dim5678
      Could any one sell me 15 stacks of iron for 5000r? I have no use for 1 DC and the only service there is is held 2yrs ago by a permban player
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Dim5678
        If you are selling me 15stacks of iron for 2400r, then deal. Got time today?
        Nov 1, 2015
      3. ThaKloned
        That's my normal price 2.5r per ingot. Works out to about 9k per DC of ingots and about 77k per DC of Blocks.
        Nov 1, 2015
      4. ThaKloned
        If you want to send me the 2.4k I will mail you what you need. I'm getting my new iron farm up so I don't have a ton of it on hand atm. Just what I need for personal use.
        Nov 1, 2015
    16. Dim5678
      Comment below for what should I do with a 124*124 res. I am having a really hard time thinking about it!
    17. Dim5678
      K, finally got my voucher redeemed, just in time too, because the wastes are being reset tonight.
    18. Dim5678
      Taking an airplane to the other side of earth, so wish me luck that I don't end up in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. XD
    19. Dim5678
      Yes, this is a minecraft unicorn, made from a custom resource pack I made to go with the fad about unicorns, sorry, rainbowchin=D
      1. iNachos10 and Krysyy like this.
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    Phasellus ac leo lacus. Phasellus rutrum imperdiet odio euismod volutpat. Nunc nec metus malesuada, pellentesque lectus nec, pharetra dolor. Vestibulum tincidunt quis mauris ac lobortis. Nam mollis orci eget ullamcorper pretium. Cras vestibulum commodo odio, nec facilisis erat luctus sed. Integer lacinia nulla non nibh sagittis, at fringilla eros commodo. Proin volutpat molestie sem in cursus. Sed ut tellus quam. Sed auctor erat odio, nec suscipit nisl suscipit a. Ut a maximus mi. Nulla congue felis in ipsum semper tempus. Praesent malesuada hendrerit rhoncus. Suspendisse potenti.

    Praesent accumsan iaculis tellus, non aliquam tellus vestibulum ac. Sed eleifend neque ac lacus posuere faucibus. Phasellus orci erat, iaculis et dictum eleifend, faucibus vel tellus. Cras convallis diam eget purus tempor accumsan. Nulla nec sodales ligula, et semper odio. Donec elementum, risus a tincidunt dictum, turpis nulla elementum velit, at viverra velit ipsum at quam. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam fermentum dui eu mollis euismod. Nulla et tristique risus. Etiam sit amet sem erat. Fusce varius ornare augue, sit amet elementum nibh gravida at. Aenean nec tempus odio. Morbi ultrices tempor tincidunt. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.


    Tech Enthusiast