Server Problems, Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by chickeneer, Nov 3, 2014.

  1. I can't even log on EMC, sometimes not MC all. ;-;
  2. EMC has been closed by Mojang for a couple of hours, so any one that is currently on ( I think only 54 as of this post ) can stay on, once they disconnect they can't join till majoring defeats the DDoS attack.

    EDIT: its 48 players on as of this post.
  3. Majoring? My computer keeps correcting mojang to majoring too.
  4. Thanks, do you know when it will open back up?
    It seems like MC has been having lots of problems lately.
  5. Nobody knows when mc will open up. For now all I can do is sit and eat all of the ice cream left in my freezer :p
  6. Lol wish I had ice cream
  7. I wish I didn't just eat all of my ice cream :( I have none left!
  8. Make peach cobbler, it would've been better with ice-cream, but still amazing w/out it.
  9. Ugh just realized I have to play with the steve skin :(
  10. I think now I'll move on to eating all the cheese sticks :p
    ww2fan168 likes this.
  11. I don't know if you all were curious but jhall lead an attack on all smps. Smp7 took over and shortly after poof launched a drop party. Whether or not it was in celebration is arguable... the moment smp8/7 have the most players with most the others not even having one. Utopia was doing pretty goof last I checked too. Btw, no lag at all XD
  12. Your soo lucky that u are on. I in the meantime have to wait and a bunch of other players. It says that its 124 +/- Mins till it comes back but it keeps on increasing, it was 112 mins but as of this point right now it is 124 +/- mins. So I'm guessing thats how long we all gotta wait... sad, very sad. :(:confused:
  13. Soon nobody will be on due to the nightly reboots. No updates from Mojang in hours. Looks like they gave up and went home for the night. Normally companies have DDOS prevention solutions. I guess we now know Mojang doesn't. They are just rolling over and letting it run it's course.
  14. The EMC staff stopped tonight's reboot, so at least the players who are currently online can stay. I can't speak for Mojang, however.
  15. haastregt and DeathPunchKitty like this.
  16. Nightly reboots are disabled tonight.
    eviltoade likes this.
  17. Since you can disable reboots can you do something about the weekly automatic reboots that happen daily right after the nightly reboot.
  18. Oh, I didn't disable them, just asked Aikar to do so (turned out they were disabled already due to yesterday's update).
  19. It seems its back up. I saw 45 players on now and 30 earlier before i saw 45 so I'm guessing they're back on?
  20. You can join now
    Gawadrolt likes this.