Moderator Application [Updated February 17th, 2012]

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by GameKribJEREMY, Nov 25, 2011.

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  1. Kilm, I could not stop laughing. My friend had to hit me in the stomach to shut me up xD I thank you for making my day *that* much better.
    kilmannan and Malicaii12 like this.
  2. i just , i just dont get it. :confused: Im just... its just... hes 45, and so many punctual errors. And stuff, i dont think notch would do much for anyone personally. Im just... what?So... confused...:oops:

    EDIT: he says hes 45, he lives with his mum. I dont understand.... using xray, that should actually get you banned... dont just ban people, you fisrt tell them to stop. Then if they continue then kick then ban, or just ban if there doing something rly bad...

    EDIT#2: Empireminecraft started sometime last year so six years ago is lying. And also, The way i sounds u may be six....
  3. It was a joke. Some people have that stuff.
  4. 'Twas a joke. All the points you stated are inserted to create situational irony, making the whole thing rather funny. It is also humorous in its general imitation of the crude language and blatant lies typical of many younger EMC'ers.

    This could almost be substituted for my English homework...

    Sorry if this offends you, I was just trying to do a little analyzation. :D
    mba2012 and vividOptimism like this.
  5. Dear god I hope you're being funny too.

    mba2012, SecretAznEks and margaritte like this.
  6. that was classic kilmannan :p like others i couldn't stop laughing :p
  7. Rofl! Dang that was funny. Especially the part about having an xray mod being an asset to being a mod :p.
    At first I thought: what the heck?! Is this guy serious?!
    Jeanzl2000 likes this.
  8. ummm this may sound dumb but where's the application? lol
  9. That. Was. EPIC. made my day, thanks kilmannan!:D
  10. If it helps your day along, Call, we get actual applications like that.
    Squizzel_Boy likes this.
  11. *Call* I wanna see them. Bye. *Hang up*
    SecretAznEks and margaritte like this.
  12. Now come on... You can't keep those secret. They need to be shared. Just black out the name and stick 'em up. You know you want to. :)
  13. He can't do that, it will cut into his upcoming book sales.
  14. lol, thats truly laugh out loud stuff right there! i always get a kick out of reading the profile walls of some of you mods, it's comical how many ppl just DONT GET IT! This is not the way to appeal a ban, but yet every other post is just that...(giggles to myself).
  15. IceCreamCow is admin... :)
  16. He found a portal out in the wilderness on SMP2 that magically transformed him into admin when he stepped through. Of course, his first official function was to blow up the portal with TNT, thereby closing that avenue of advancement to everyone else.
  17. Ohhhhhhh.... What have Jordan and I started? ;)
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