Why I've Been Happy

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by pinkqueen95, Jun 23, 2015.

  1. I am glad that you have found happiness. I hope also that your boyfriend is happy, and also your ex, as everyone deserves to be. It can be quite hard to be happy sometimes. Sometimes, a happy day doesn't make you a happy person, it just makes you happy for one day and you stay the same person. I hope you all find the happiness to be happy people.
    tomijo95, clan23 and 607 like this.
  2. Thank you everyone for the best wishes!!!
    HelloKittyRo and Bro_im_infinite like this.
  3. So I wanted to share what my happiness looks like with the one person who puts the smile on my face. So everyone meet Clayton. :):D:rolleyes:

    Edit: Just wanted to say what an amazing evening!!!!
  4. Cool, tomi.
    607 and tomijo95 like this.
  5. Thank you x7mx!!! :D
    x7mx likes this.
  6. So while hanging out with Clayton today I notice this in the sky. It was a heart shape. I find it amazing because a while back ago Clayton spotted a heart shape in the sky as well so its amazing.

    f_Builder_s and white_trash_dna like this.

  7. My life so far but hey happy yours is happy as well :)
  8. Hey clan, you single? ;)
    clan23, white_trash_dna and 607 like this.
  9. Tomi thats no heart!! Run while you still can!!
    f_Builder_s, 607, poofasaurus and 6 others like this.
  10. Good luck mang
    tomijo95 likes this.
  11. Ahh!!! Run aliens!!!!
  12. Awesome, I hope you enjoy your choice. Please be happy, happenies is inportant in life.
  13. Awesome! (Is that your dad?)
  14. Lol hahahaha that's funny no that's not my dad that Clayton my friend (well for now). Where the same age lol.
    TigerstarMC and 607 like this.
  15. Awesome!
  16. lol "Really? Hello kitty?" xD
  17. Woo! Happy for ya TJ, its awesome to see some of them smiles!
    tomijo95 and f_Builder_s like this.
  18. Thank you Lance!!! And there real smiles this time not a sad girl behind it lol... But yes thank you I'm so happy hope to talk to you soon...
    607 likes this.
  19. Hey, while we do chat less, I totally understand why, and I am really happy for you ;) I will always be around TJ!
    607 likes this.

  20. My little cousin ask my boyfriend and I when are you guys getting married... Lol it was the most cutest thing ever... This is the picture of all three of us!!!
    607 likes this.