well, i moved out of my house and grinder in hopes of making a new one, but once i'm done with transporting everything i'll be more than happy to give you the coords. and i made mine with a spawner, it's not a dark room one, but i'll be working on that. but essentially i made mine with water and glass. all you have to do is find a spawner, dig 23 blocks down and have a room where you can chill in. the only requirement is that you have no light sources that effects the light level by the spawner. hope this helped
You can pay $5 dollars a month ( .16 cents a day ). People don't want to give you the location, not because they don't trust you but because you can be tracked on the live map. It can take a week to find a location, gather materials, and build a xp grinder. Please understand that people won't just hand their hard work over. Also you don't need rupees to build a grinder. You need time and patience.
My Zombie spawner gives me 50lvls in 60-80mins i guess. Not excatly sure because i was always watching a movie while using my zombie spawner
I thought you worked for NASA? Lol don't they pay you a fixed income? And if your low on cash sell your car that supposedly costed millions of dollars.