Favorite Superhero?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by BurgerKnight, Apr 27, 2015.


Favorite universe?

DC 3 vote(s) 12.0%
Marvel 13 vote(s) 52.0%
Other (say below) 9 vote(s) 36.0%
  1. He is one of my favorite forget the rest of the superheros
    BlackKnight1021 likes this.
  2. You call it blasphemy, but I just looked up some Batman videos, and he can't even properly throw a punch for maximum power/damage. :confused: He looks like a playground bully in a black cape. :p I'll let you have your opinions, but I don't see how that man is still alive. XD
  3. dont let betmeg see that....
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  4. This thread is awesome! You probably cannot imagine how much childhood memories this brought up, I love it!

    Now, this is a very hard call because my favorites have shifted over time. When I got introduced to comic books (I think I still have the very first Dutch Spiderman comic lying around somewhere) I got hooked. I didn't have enough money to get a subscription unfortunately, but I would usually save up and when my parents and me went on vacation I always skimmed book stores for "comic book bundles". So basically you bought a lot of (older) comics for a very decent price. That allowed me to (roughly) keep up and it introduced me to so much more besides my favorite superhero at that time: Spiderman.

    (for the record: I was approx. 12 - 14 years old here)

    So I suppose we can put Spiderman as my #3.

    I grew up, became an adolescent (or got into my puberty I suppose) and that drew my attention to more mature issues. At that time I really started to favor Wolverine because he was a pretty rowdy character, could be considered somewhat "True-Neutral" (RPG term) because he didn't only go after the bad guys. He'd also easily do business or even help some of the "bad guys" if it served its purpose. He even did so much as turn on a few of his friends (not turn as in plain out attacking them, but I guess you could say that he turned his back on them a few times because of his own needs). That and the more mature character (drinking and smoking and basically being a "bad ass" in general) really hooked me.

    It comes very close but Wolverine is my #2.

    At this time I also discovered the X-Men animated series, and mainly because of the above started following it. Right now I got the whole series (all 5 seasons) on DVD. In case you don't know what I'm talking about:

    Click here if the video doesn't play

    Which brings me to my current number one superhero. Even though I know he's actually a villain but... Meh, sorry, I'd like to be a little different (I hope that's allowed?):

    #1 Magneto

    Do keep in mind that my opinion is heavily influenced by the animated series I mentioned above. And I know that Magneto is actually a super villain and not so much a superhero, even so I do think he deserves to be mentioned like this because I wouldn't call Magneto a super villain at all. In my opinion he's merely a misguided superhero and because of that he's considered a villain.

    Most of his actions could be considered evil but I still think that his motivations are much more noble than just being a villain. He tries to do what he feels is right for the mutant population and tries to defend their rights in a way he knows best. And not in a disrespectful way where he simply wants to slaughter all of mankind for the benefit of the greater good, but he will stand up for himself when being provoked (or when he thinks he is).

    What I also consider highly commendable is that he has consulted Xavier many times and even tried to keep an open mind about his believes and his opinion on the whole situation regarding mutants. Sure, he didn't agree and sure, he did consider himself an opposite of what the X-Men (Xavier in particular) did and stood for. But he was willing to listen to reason, and if it served him he'd also go as far as actually helping the X-Men from time to time because it was the right thing to do.

    There's so much more to Magneto than "just" a hero or "just" a villain. Especially the struggle between "good" and "evil" is what I find highly fascinating about him.

    Magneto is the kind of guy who doesn't "just" stand for something but will even, at times, try to consider and weigh his actions and can even change his opinion or stance on them if that feels like the right thing to do.

    So yah... In my opinion a super hero which has much more to him than just being the good guy.
  5. He fights superman (well) and lives, isn't that enough? :p

    And he is played by Christian Bale, c'mon man. Chrissy Bale is bae <3
    ShelLuser and BlackKnight1021 like this.
  6. When is this? :p If this ever happened (I suspect it's what will happen in that new/upcoming movie) it would be totally unrealistic, as I'm 99.999999% sure that somebody who drives a fancy car and throws weak punches would last about 3.4 seconds against a guy who can shoot eye lasers. :p
  7. I enjoyed reading that, you have a very organized set of opinions, and gave clear reasons as to why they were what they were. I also like Magneto, but I never really considered some of the stuff you brought up. Great post Shel. :D

    That's because those are actors, not the real Batman. The real Batman (comic books) is amazing. Not as good as Captain America, but amazing. He is alive because he has a plan for EVERYTHING. He has contingency plans for his contingency plans, and is a master strategist, as well as a master of every fighting form known to man (and some known only to aliens).

    He *cough* beats Superman.
  8. Yes yes yes yes. This was the best. Is it bad that from time to time some of my friends still sing this theme tune? xD so catchy
    BlackKnight1021 likes this.
  9. http://www.animeflavor.com/cartoon/batman-dark-knight-returns-part-2 near the end
    BlackKnight1021 likes this.
  10. Yeah, i believe he uses kryptonite with his suit to weaken superman. Though it has been many years since i have read any comics haha, but I'm pretty sure batman has kryptonite knuckle dusters :D
    BlackKnight1021 likes this.
  11. I'd say my favorites are the Human Torch and Deadpool! :D
  12. I guess I just haven't ever read any comic books, so my main knowledge is off of the modern TV Batman. :) Still, I think that there's no way (no matter how awesome he might be) he would be able to defeat Superman. It just isn't logical. :p However, this statement has raised my opinion of Batman by around 6.7%. :D

    Yes, but wouldn't he have to be near Superman to use them? :p How hard would it be for Superman to just stay fifty feet up and snipe Batman with those eye lasers, eh?
  13. Doctor Fate would beet them all :cool:
    BlackKnight1021 likes this.
  14. He doesn't need to, and you know why?

    Because he's bat-man!
    (source: HISHE on Youtube)

    Here is a very good example:

    click here if the video doesn't play
    BlackKnight1021 likes this.
  15. the black knight
  16. You seem to have miss spelt deadpool ;)
    BlackKnight1021 and codygraw101 like this.
  17. Nope Fate would just cast him into another dimension.
    BlackKnight1021 likes this.
  18. My favorite superhero is iron man. (The guy with iron armor in Minecraft) :cool:
  19. Deadpool can literally do anything lol, i think in one comic he leaves the comic and kills the writers xD. Oh and he kills the entire marvel universe in one series, just you know, the usual. Along with being immortal (thanos cursed him with eternal life, and he has insane healing abilities due to multiple reasons), i think deadpool will win ;D
    codygraw101 and BlackKnight1021 like this.
  20. I know look at my minecraft skins face