1st Part: Each day, from today to my 1000th day ill go on a different smp and will give away some valuable items. it would be 2 on each server. I'm missing 10 days till it happens, the last day ill give away the remaining giveaways(not timed the time i posted this, so its 1 give aways on each server). the person i choose is random. The award is payed by 1r(this for a record, not actual worth of items...) 2nd part-I will do a Promo giveaway. How to enter: Enter by answering: How much time have you been playing on your home server?(press Esc, then statistics, tell the number that is next to: time played) TIP: post anything on the number you want, and later when you have time use edit and add in the time played by using this, i have payed 16.73 days smp8 rules: no alternate accounts Your number will go by your post number(is at the bottom right) everyone can participate No more submissions after April 29, 6PM EMC time Winners: how to choose promo 5 people will be chosen by random.org the first that person random.org chooses, will be able to choose 1 of the promos I'm giving away the second person that random.org chooses, will be able to choose 1 of the remaining promos I'm giving away the third person that random.org chooses, will be able to choose 1 of the remaining promos I'm giving away the fourth person that random.org chooses, will be able to choose 1 of the remaining promos I'm giving away the fifth person that random.org chooses, will be able to choose the remaining promos I'm giving away Promos giving away unspawned cupid Cupid bow ESCD Empire firework. EMC NEW years celebration 2014 Pot of gold If you enter in the second part be sure to check out this thread: http://empireminecraft.com/threads/poll-minutes-played.51179/#post-918688
1st Part participants!!! Day 1-Smp1 ariannasanders is my first random person to participate in my 1000th day anniversary event! on smp1 she received 48 renamed iron blocks named: Iron Day 2-Smp2 Hayleyy6 is my second random person to participate in my 1000th day anniversary event! on smp2. She received a Redstone beginer set that contained: 32 Redstone blocks, 32 comparators, 32 repeaters, 4 daylight sensor, and more!!!! Day 3-Smp3 meliiloes is my third random person to participate in my 1000th day anniversary event! on smp3. She received 5 saddles and a name tag Day 4-Smp4 FoxyFennec is my second random person to participate in my 1000th day anniversary event! on smp4. He received 1 fast horse, 1 fast mule, and a sadle Day 5-Smp5 Day 6-Smp6 Day 7-Smp7 Day 8-Smp8 Day 9-Smp9 Day 10- Utopia
6.71 days on smp1, 12.32 days on smp8 However, about a year ago, my computer was flattened. So, probably around 56.71 days on smp1
8.85 days on SMP7 Congrats! I hope I can get something , because I recently accidentally despawned virtually all my items . Such a bad day that was.
22.9 days on smp4, but because I used 2 other computers in my EMC lifetime, I estimate my real time played on here at about 70-100 days :3
well on this computer 32.72 on smp7 but on my old one i had a lot of days too :/ (i don't have it anymore) so i don't know exactly and congrats on your 1000 days