Auction: 5 dcs of gunpowder

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Black13, Apr 3, 2015.


What should I auction next?

5 dcs of slimeballs 4 vote(s) 26.7%
5 dcs of gunpowder 4 vote(s) 26.7%
5 dcs of bones 3 vote(s) 20.0%
5 dcs of arrows 4 vote(s) 26.7%
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  1. Bump, very cheap gunpowder
  2. sorry, my last bump didnt show up, please forgive my stupidity:)
  3. Bump? Gunpowder was worth way more than this last time around. 10 k per dc:) this is barely half that! Bid while you can
  4. Bump, still a good deal
  5. 40200 r (waits 36 hours, ups bid 200) @golddigger221 #IWillNotStop
    Black13inc likes this.
  6. Since this is already pushing a week, why not have a BUMP
  7. I'm ready to go 100k, so 45 k
    Black13inc likes this.
  8. *45k is my bid
    Black13inc likes this.
  9. Tnt doesnt work in town :/
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