Good Samaritan Award 2015

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Hashhog, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. You can donate however much you want. :) All donations are appreciated! :D If you do choose to donate, please fill out the form so that I don't miss it, though. :)

    The most recent batch of spies is now being private messaged. I going to allow until March 14th, 2015, for you to pick your players. Check the people invited to the conversation! If there are two people in the convo (besides me and Olaf), please try to find three people. If there are three people in the convo (still besides me and Olaf :p), please try to find two people. Thank you!
  2. Bump. I don't think was mentioned in the thread (I know I meant to mention it, but I can't find it), but for all spies, note that you CAN nominate moderators. However, be careful that in doing this you treat the staff as normal players and don't hold any positive bias due to the simple fact that they are mods. :)
  3. Holy donations.
    autumnrain26 and hashhog3000 like this.
  4. Speaking of donations, it does not seem like the op has been updated in a while.. :p
  5. Yeah, working on that. I hit a character limit, so I have to reconfigure some stuff. :p
    autumnrain26 likes this.
  6. Haha, I know the problem :D Would you mind changing Kaizimir to Carthaga in the donations list. It wasn't really my money and the words have the same amount of characters. Thank you
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  7. How do you want to do this?
    Patr1cV likes this.
  8. We have arrived at Part 2! There should only be one more week before we get some Community Voting in. :) Anyhow, spies, this is now the stage where we exterminate bias. Take a look at the nominations of other spies and glance at them ingame. If you have a genuine concern about any of the nominations, let me know, and I'll take a look. If you are a spy and have yet to find all of your people, please try to do that within the next couple of days. This stage will conclude on March 21st. :)

    Main post has been updated. I removed old pieces that had to do with spies (other than current part) and nominating players for review and added in all the awesome prizes that the character limit prevented me from adding before. :p
  9. :O
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  10. Bump. Today is the last day of spy stuff before we get some community voting. However, I'm not sure what my schedule is going to be for the next 24 hours, so it there may be a slight delay before I get the voting up. :)
    FDNY21 likes this.