Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by xHaro_Der, Feb 10, 2015.

  1. Name- f_Builder_s
    Name of service/company/building requesting beacon-DSK Arena
    Link to thread explaining service-empireminecraft.com/threads/spleef-tournaments.48424
    Summary of what beacon is for and why you need it-to give spleefers Speed 2
    Do you agree to the ToS-yep

    Am i too late? :p
  2. I remember giving you one a few days ago ingame, do you still need another? Post again if you do. Also, I wanted a proper setup thread to base it off of. There's no actual information in that thread.
    607 likes this.
  3. is it possible to pay it 10k and bypass the criterias? because i need it for an unfinished community sugarcane and paper factory that is going to make jobs for everyone in need.
  4. If I wanted money I'd sell them for 18k to wherever people buy. This is for charity to those who have a legitimate need and want it for a community beneficial cause :)

    I recommend saving up 5-7k more and just buying one.
  5. Err u gave me 1?
  6. Right but you need another XD?
  7. Well i guess i need another :)