Hi all!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by white_trash_dna, Jan 25, 2015.

  1. Just thought i would post something saying hi!

    I have been playing on EMC for about 2 weeks now, so far i am really loving it. the server set up and community are great, ppl are so friendly.

    I am living in the UK at the moment, mostly online in the evenings.

    Dont really know what to say in this thing lol I have played a lot of modded minecraft in the past, coming back to vanilla is like a whole new game lol


    (this is my gaming buddy who is totally not in the garbage!)
    dresden72 and 607 like this.
  2. Welcome to EMC, hope you enjoy your stay :)
  3. I'm glad you're enjoying your time here, and now peeking around on the forums! :)
    How does playing vanilla again feel?
  4. Yo, Welcome to EMC.

  5. Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay, and have fun on the SMPs. Seeya around! :)
  6. Welcome to the Empire white_trash_dna. Enjoy your stay. :)
  7. Welcome to the Empire! :)
  8. Welcome to EMC!
    Love your name.
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  9. Welcome W T D! You are the second new member that I have welcomed today from the UK. Very cool.
    607 likes this.
  10. Scarlet Tart is her name. Have you two met?
  11. Welcome to EMC!! (I love your dog btw) :)