Thank You Staff

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Matherox, Jan 17, 2015.

  1. poor guy
    Patr1cV, kevmeup and Matherox like this.
  2. The staff is NOT amazing at ALL

    Amazing is a understatment

    AwesomeBuilder33 likes this.
  3. It's the cost of keeping something at the drop. I'm actually surprised mods still respond to my reports. I expect them to just tell me to move it already :)
    AwesomeBuilder33 likes this.
  4. Thank you staff for making EMC the absolute best thing on Minecraft.
  5. He's rebelling.
    AwesomeBuilder33 likes this.
  6. The staff team has sure changed since I started playing but neverless, thank you all! :)

    Sign my name too pleaseeeee! :D
  7. true
    AwesomeBuilder33 likes this.
  8. Thanks everyone for spamming me with alerts! lol
    SEPTHEKID and kevmeup like this.
  9. 16 more slots left before the book is done - First PM, First Serve
  10. Well... I want ATLEAST 30
  11. Thanks staff! You Make EMC great!
  12. Awesome, 17 more slots till we got 30 people....
    I told you, I got this =P
    AwesomeBuilder33 likes this.
  13. (Oh well that was supposed to say bump...)