EMC Series - MasterDude13

Discussion in 'Share Your Let's Plays and Other Videos!' started by AvocadoMatt, Jan 2, 2015.

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  1. Make sure you hit publish, not save. Messed that one up waaayy too many times ;P
  2. All I see is "Save"? :confused:
  3. Just finished recording up Ep. 4, it'll be out sometime later ^^;
    *There's a special guest ;)
    ClareMuss likes this.
  4. Here's another super early video for me to upload, I've been really trying to get them out on the day but it's hard when there's previous issues. Anyways, where's the episode :p

    Sorry if Paul is too static-like, we had no clue till after the production of it
    ClareMuss likes this.
  5. It says "This video is private" :(
    Alyattayla likes this.
  6. Subbed my friend! :)
  7. Thumbnails for the actual video? Or for the channel page?

    EDIT: I think I see what you mean... The thing that says "EMC 4", is that a thumbnail? I could use some of those.
  8. Oh god I'm so sorry! I was in such a rush this morning and my bus didn't even come. I must of forgot!
    It's public now :)
    khixan, ClareMuss and weeh666 like this.
  9. Great video - funny too :)
  10. Thanks! Couldn't of done it without Paul :)
  11. the video was pretty great
  12. Sorry for no video being released yesterday! Today I have a bit of parkour and, yes another one, a talk :)

    I hope you all enjoy! <3
    ClareMuss likes this.
  13. Ep. 6 is out! :) Did some recording of the FireFloor hosted by RainbowChin

    ClareMuss likes this.
  14. There wont be an EMC video today, but make sure to check the channel for something else instead (Like at a late time lol)
    Don't forget to watch the above video if you enjoy this series :)
  15. If anyone pleases to lock this, they may. I'm retiring from this hobby as it seems to be too stressful for me to keep up with. If anyone is sad to see me stop, well I'm sorry and hope you find others to entertain your days
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