TeamSpeak Server for EMC ...

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Oleyy, Apr 10, 2012.


Teamspeak server for EMC?

Yes 8 vote(s) 72.7%
No 3 vote(s) 27.3%
  1. but your post is bad! lol

    Ventrilo has superior audio over TS. But I find mumbles features nicer, and the audio is better than TS but not as good as ventrilo.

    TS is more used in the FPS genre I believe, where as Vent is primarily used in the MMO genre. I think the big differences here is money...

    More people choose the free option because its free, not because its better.
  2. Noo. Teamspeak has a better interface then ventrillo and free or not free we are all pirates so doesnt matter :D
  3. Totally off topic here, but I am loving your "Sunday Morning" cover, Oleyy! Great stuff :D
  4. Thanks a lot margaritte I appreciate it :) However Aikar started that free or not free conversation I had to reply to that :p
  5. No we are not all pirates =P <Has spent well over 100$ on AmazonMP3>

    Voice chat clients are things that run in the background behind your game, the UI needs to be as simple to connect quick and then get it out of the way. Vent provides that, so you cant say thats a major advantage for TS
  6. But mate teamspeak looks better and I feel more confortable with it :D (personally)