I also used GameMaker when I was Cole's age a while back, and in hindsight I really think it can teach you more than code.org will. It takes the drag & drop idea and expands on it greatly.
Good thing I've never been in Third Grade I've known the basics of HTML and I've been using Scratch (I stopped when I was 12, by the way ) since I was 9. I've been attempting to learn Java since I was 11, but it's honestly way too hard for me. I figure it out, and then I take a break from it, and I forget most of it. I decided to give up for a little while and resume in 2015 in August of this year. I didn't decide to learn PHP until September of this year, and I'm nearly done with that I know a tiny bit of JavaScript, but I need to expand on it a lot. I plan to do that next year. My goal is to know JS and Java by the time I turn 15, but nothing ever really goes to plan for me; mainly because of my habit of procrastinating with everything. If I can't reach the 15th Birthday goal, I'm just going to turn that into a 'know it by the time I go to College' goal (So... I'll basically have a year to learn it left.)
Wow, more negative comments. Always what I get when I try and "feed my power-hungry ways." I feel so left out =( At least some of you guys are being nice =)
I got a chance to try your game tonight. I think you did a good job on the artwork. I couldn't get through the first chimney though. Maybe my mouse is too sensitive, but even a short click made the sleigh go up more than the height of the gap. I tried to time it so I clicked earlier and went through on the way down but it went down too fast to make it. Since I didn't get far I can't really make any suggestions except to maybe adjust the vertical change so that it is smaller. More of a gradual lift and fall. You could maybe do something like make it variable so that a click gets me x amount of lift, but a double click or holding down my mouse makes it lift more. Maybe slowing down the forward scroll would help too. You could put presents or cookies and milk in the game as power ups. I was thinking a feature like a turbo boost that makes the sleigh move forward faster through the gaps or slower might be fun. Maybe picking up reindeer would give me more control or something. One other thing I noticed was that the instructions said that I could tap the up arrow, but the only thing I got to work was my mouse. Maybe that is why I had trouble. I wouldn't worry about the comments. They are mainly trying to categorize what you are doing. You are doing good. Learn about it and push it as far as you can. Don't be afraid to try another platform. When you do, you'll have this experience to draw on.
I was actually just about to post a website i made on http://www.codecademy.com I f you want to do coding for websites, or such, you should go there. I'd have to say though, making a game at third grade is pretty good. But can i ask if you might do stuff like HTML and CSS in the future? edit: i just played it, and my only comment about the game physics: hardest flappy game to play EVER! XDXDXD
Unfortunately he didn't design the artwork. There are many prebuilt landscapes that you can choose from using this site. I've used this software before, and you nearly made the game impossible by choosing the "set random jump size" block. If I were you, I would remove the landscape change and make the jump size the same every time.
Google defines programming as: "the process of writing computer programs." Scratch is not writing computer programs, however it is a programming according to Wikipedia. Personally I wouldn't call it a programming language in the typical sense of writing code. Scratch seems to offer more in the logic sense of programming, teaching users how a program flows and can perform different tasks. When doing Computer Science we did VB.NET which was pretty easy to learn and use for our assignments. We could use any programming language but my teacher saw VB.NET as the easiest option. HTML isn't a programming language. It's a scripting language
I never said it was. In the UK they don't even teach us anything even remotely related to 'proper' programming until Year 10. And even then they don't teach anyone anything but how to make a sprite move in Scratch :/ (I finished my stupid platforming game in 2 lessons and everyone else has been doing it for 3 months...) There's also a lot of writing 'code' (A.K.A copying Scratch blocks onto paper...) in books for some reason... Most of it doesn't even work.
Man, the hate. I don't consider it coding, but it's nice you're getting a basic idea of things like that, on on the site code.org I know you can open the block to see the code inside and how it would work. I noticed some weird glitches/other things so I went and fixed them for myself, I don't know if it's for everyone, but overall, nice job and best of luck in learning things other than block coding! I would recommend Eclipse, tells you what went wrong and what didn't, then move onto IntelliJ. Here is what I changed, maybe go in and fix it for everyone http://gyazo.com/eca79a1be1cb73e3213aa0529c000d06